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"No, you did not."

"Oh yes. I did. There is something about gospel songs that always pulled me in. My parents wanted to take me out of the church, because surprisingly they aren't even Christians."

"Your parents are not Christians?" He shakes his head. "No, they are not."

Wow! "That isn't in the media though? They say you grew up in a Christian home?" He looks so attentive as he fries the eggs before turning to me.

"I think it's what they saw and they never bothered to dig deep. I grew up in the church, I loved to help in my hometown church, it was this falling down church and all the members of the church did all they could to save it but it was such an old building though it's still standing. I loved it there a lot which is why I kept going back and back again."

"How did you get there?"

"It was this old man that saw me once coming from school while crying. At that time I messed up my school dance. I was supposed to sing and I couldn't so I ended up causing a show thrashing our setups. Mom refused to take me home so I walked home,"

"How old were you?"

I can't help but make a face.

"Ah, little Seth thrashing a set up in front of an audience because he couldn't sing and he was mad at himself," I say. "I would empty my bank account just to see the pictures of that time."

"Don't make me regret telling you?" I giggle when I realize he looks cute and embarrassed.

"Ah, don't be shy."
He chuckles and once again I have to pose and appreciate the sight.
Seth Christian is a handsome man, with turmeric skin, and brown eyes with short waves at the top of his head but that is even shorter on the side. He is tall with broad shoulders. I'm not experienced with men's bodies but I know he works out a lot.
He has strong firm biceps I can see them tight through his t-shirts that he likes to wear so is his lower part.

Seth Christian is in my apartment.
Seth Christian is chuckling from the kitchen of my apartment.
Can someone please pinch me?

"Now you have to share an embarrassing story of your own,"
I have to bite my lower lip to hold back a laugh. "Okay, the embarrassing story is one morning when we were getting ready to go to school, Summer woke me up very badly, you know snapping, pulling, and pushing me. It irritated me so to repay her. I went to school without an undergarment and then the sad part is, when I fell asleep in class I peed on myself." I smile when I hear him laugh. It's husky, deep, and in each category sweet to the ear.

"I was so mortified when kids made fun of me and kept bullying me over the years."

"Oh my God," I can't help but laugh out with him too as I think of my mortification.

"How did it die down?"
I just shrug because if I'm being truthful I don't even remember.
"I think we grow out of it." He is shaking his head as he turns to check on his cookings. While I take time to appreciate him in my kitchen, this is a sight I never knew I was ever going to see.

Seth Christian in my kitchen. Cooking for me, okay for us. But I will eat them too so it's technically me.

God, you do miracles,

"Does Summer know of that story?"
I shake my head.

"I would never tell her. I would never get enough of it from her." He chuckles again.

"I figured much, you guys seemed to be close. Uh, you also mentioned you had a brother. Are you guys close too?"

"Yes," I replied nodding my head but he couldn't see it because he had turned to cook God knows what.
This guy's skills in the kitchen area seem to be miles away from mine.

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