Author's Note

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Ugh! I have too many works started and not enough finished. My brain works in mysterious ways, the electrical synapses jump all over the place and I have a hard time corralling them into a cohesive pattern. 

So... I am going (for the very first time) attempt to have multiple stories on the go. You can choose what to do. By publishing them, it forces me to write. And keep writing.

When I get a story idea, I need to write it down or it just gnaws at me until I do, and all the rest, well... they get left behind. 

This is one idea that since I watched both seasons and the movie, won't get the hell out of my brain. 

It's one of those 'what if' stories:

What if Hira wasn't just socially awkward, but actually was disabled, with a diagnosed condition like Autism?

What if Kiyoi didn't have previous knowledge about Kayama and Hira's potential relationship?

 What if Yohei wasn't a homophobe, needing reassurance about his brother's boyfriend? 

What if their second meeting at the dinner theatre was completely spontaneous? 

What if we do take away the toxicity that made it difficult to fully love and appreciate the nuances of "My Beautiful Man"?

So that's where this story is coming from. 

Now... other news that had my brain spinning:

Well into October 2023, and Hamas from inside Gaza just bombed Israel, having a good friend cancel a trip to the middle east. Really, a trip of a lifetime and more war... when all you want to do is visit history. The war in Ukraine is still going on and I see more and more refugees every visit to the city and locally, we elected a new government (not federal, provincial). We booted out our 'Trump' style party and voted in a more, well... here in Canada, we have three major parties: The PC Party (Think Trump), The Liberal (Think Biden) and the NDP (and... it started out as a socialist party but quickly changed to a cross between the two, a place where people who were not happy with the major parties could go.)

So now, we are the first province in Canada to have a First Nations (Aboriginal) Premier, from the NDP leading our Province. He's made some large campaign  promises. I doubt he can keep them, economically, but at least he did not run any hate ads, slander people etc. He faced all racism directly and there was a lot. You would think by now, in the year 2023, for a county that prides itself on being multicultural, we could live in peace, without hate. 

Sadly, I think we will always be bound to repeat the mistakes of the past. Learn history, so we can finally move forward!

QAnon has come to Canada. I had no idea what the fuck this was... seriously. I had to look it up on google. Some delulu woman is claiming to be "Queen", sectioned off a part of a province and threating to behead anyone who steps into her territory. This nutjob has over 250,000 followers worldwide!

Pardon me? You're in Canada, and we have laws. You can't just set up a country like you want. Sigh. Unfortunately, we have laws and we do things peacefully until someone dies. Then, we send in the army and wipe them out. Might take five or ten years, but this delulu bitch doesn't know what's coming for her. 

I could cite examples, but again, learn your own as well as world history! Seriously, people, Canadians are some of the fiercest warriors in the damn world. We're proven on the battle field (Look up Leo Major, Tommy Prince, Sgt. Robert Spall, Sgt. Major John Robert Osborn), going right back to the War of 1775, 1812 (Couldn't beat us, could you, USA?), Boer War, WW1, WW2 and so forth. As for taking care of business at home, the FLQ crisis comes to mind, when the British Diplomat and the Labour Minister were kidnapped. The whole country was locked down, and the army was sent in. 

Canada does not PAY terrorists. Look it up. It's a famous quote by now. But WE do negotiate until the dawn of time. Life matters, all lives matter in the end, even the terrorists. "Lester Pearson's leadership in the 1956 Suez Crisis and Canada's role in the UN Emergency Force he helped create, many Canadians consider peacekeeping part of the country's identity." To date, more than 125,000 Canadians have served as UN Peacekeepers around the world. Regardless of the scandals that have rocked the UN Peacekeepers, for a country of less than 40 million people, this fact is one to be proud of. 

I am proud of it.  

Maybe I am feeling nostalgic lately with Remembrance Day approaching, and War all around, but growing up with two veterans in my home, it was always, "Remember the past, so we do not repeat it." 

It's our Thanksgiving Day as I write this. The time when harvest is official over and we say thanks... so I guess it's similar to the Asian Festivals but not the same, because of the need to "beat the weather". Canada's first Thanksgiving was way way back in the 1500s, I believe but didn't become a national holiday until the 1930's, if I remember my history properly. 

A time to gather with family, eat a lot of food, and give thanks for what we have. More importantly, a day off of work to spend precious time with family.

As for me, I got all my potatoes finally out of the garden and properly stored for winter. A fire crackling in the wood stove, a wood box filled with cut wood, deer grazing in the fields, and sharp tailed grouse all around, it is definitely time to give thanks!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Let the ice and snow of Winter 2023 begin. I am ready!

November 2023

November 2023

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