Part 5

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Everything felt so familiar. The walk from the train station to Hira's house was as if he stepped back in time two years. Even down to the same stimulation in his belly. Kiyoi felt a shiver run down his spine...

Excitement or fear, he was not sure, but he did know one thing: This time, Hira was going to talk to him. Even if he had to sit on him to ensure that he did not run from him, Hira was going to explain why he did not confess how he felt when he asked at graduation.

Just the same way he always had done, Kiyoi pushed open the garden gate and saw Hira in the arms of that young brother of the director! The one that was supposedly his boyfriend. 

They were kissing! 

He slammed the garden gate loudly, to get their attention and said, "I see you're busy, Hira, have a nice life." 

He didn't even know how to process how he felt as he walked, double-time, back the way he came. Why had he ever believed in those eyes? 

Or the fact that Hira had come to see him perform again... 

He was such a fool!


Kayama woke early, feeling much, much better. Hira's family recipe for honey ginger tea was a miracle. It wasn't the first time it had cured a cold for him. Because he up so early, he noticed a small box under the low table he had never seen before, and curious, opened it. 

Inside were all pictures of Sou Kiyoi and a yellow rubber duck. They were all incredible photographs! He really didn't understand why Hira said they were not good, because they looked like they were take by a professional! 

To his eyes, he saw how much love Hira had for Sou. Obviously, Sou knew that Hira loved him so where was the problem? It really didn't matter to him, if he could convince Hira that his love for him was genuine and he would take good care of him. 

Kayama had nothing to loose now. Even with Hira's words last night, he had to try one last time. 

Slowly, he stacked the photos back into the box and failed to notice Hira walk into the room. Hira snatched the stack of pictures out of his hands, along with the box. "What do you think you are doing?"

"They're good, Hira." Kayama protested, pointing at the pictures, along with the box, clutched tightly in his hands. "Why don't you show them to anyone?"

Shaking his head violently, "They're not! He told me they're not! He told me I'm not allowed to take his picture anymore." Hira held them even tighter to his body. "They're mine. You had no right." Kayama saw the visible agitation building but had no idea why. They had shared pictures all the time, ever since they met. 

Why were these different? 

He had to go slowly, or he would lose everything... and then he saw the enemy. How did Sou know where Hira lived? Gritting his teeth, he threw caution to the wind. It was now or never. As the garden gate gently opened, Kayama approached Hira and grasped his shoulders, facing outside, turning Hira to him. "Hira, you know I care deeply for you. In fact, I..."

Hira struggled to pull free, but Kayama wouldn't let him go. "D...D...D...Don't." It was barely a whisper. "I told no."

"Why not me?" Kayama pulled him close and kissed him, just as Sou Kiyoi stepped on the porch. He knew, as his lips pressed against Hira's, he felt the repulsion, the disgust in his body, it would never work and set him free. He stayed silent, only listening to Sou's parting line. 

He had never, ever seen such anger flash across Hira's face, or disappointment before. He felt like a heel, a fool, and even more, for doing what he did. But isn't that what love makes out of a man? It turns you into an idiot?

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