Part 19

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That statement, combined with the slow hand job, was... well, he didn't know how to react. It was Hira, though. Something only Hira would say and do. He felt lazy, contented but at the same time, less of a man for NOT doing something. His body was doing all of the reacting while his mind... his mind urged him to "let it go and feel."

"Fuck it..." Kiyoi moaned. "Hira?" He couldn't stop him, he loved him, he waited for this. It almost killed him the last time.

"Mm?" Why did his body arch into his hands, when they stilled? Why did he feel cold, empty... alone? "Kiyoi? What is it?" 

As he still didn't speak up, Hira made to sit back, and swiftly, Kiyoi wrapped his arms around him, pulling him down to his chest, legs slipping from his shoulders. Now, clasped tightly together, he could feel the tremors of self control that emanated from Hira. 

Hira had no more control over what was going on than he did! The idea made him feel much better, relaxed... and only increased his love for him. "Tell me, Hira. Say it aloud." Kiyoi needed to hear it. Gone were the feelings of was this masculine or not, he just needed to hear those three words.

A devilish look appeared on Hira's face. It sent shivers down Kiyoi's spine. His eyes were back to being pieces of coal. "You are beautiful?" Kiyoi shook his head. "No? Hm?" His hand ran down his bare skin to the very hard, very erect member leaking gently. "May I?" 

Kiyoi shook his head, "No, not until you say it, Hira." He watched as Hira pouted, licking his lips. Who was this man, teasing him? With one jerk, Hira pulled his legs straight and straddled them, moving his own erect member to rub next to his own. 

Kiyoi watched, fascinated, at the two barely touching members. His was slightly longer, thinner, while Hira's was twice as thick and barely shorter, and darker in color. He was also cut, so the tip shone, so smooth, soft like velvet, this he knew already. For his to do that, he had to slide the skin aside and it could hurt. It never occurred to him, to even compare them, but in the here and now, it was impossible not to. 

He reached down and held them, his eyes firmly fixed on Hira's face. If Hira could tease him, why couldn't he do the same? Those coal black eyes locked with his, as Hira arched his back, his thighs firmly gripping his own tightly, so tight, they ached from his added weight. His adam's apple bobbed gently, as Kiyoi watched him swallow. "Say it, Hira." He groaned, as the damn man slid forward in his grasp. 

"You are beautiful, Kiyoi and I love you." Hira fell forward, trapping his hands between them. He was thoroughly kissed, until he couldn't think, from the tongue sweeps and the hip movements that propelled their linked members between his hands. "I want to you to see yourself through my eyes..."

Fuck, Hira owned him, body and soul, Kiyoi knew that. Now. He felt his last defense crumble and his walls fade away, the minute Hira slid off his body. There was no resistance when his legs were lifted again, and he buried his face between his legs, only sounds. 

This time, instead of his hands clutching in the sheets, or blankets, Kiyoi reached for Hira, and marked his body, laid claim to him. 

This time, after he was sated, and covered in the proof, Hira asked once more, "All the way?" Since without him, Kiyoi felt empty, hollow. There was only one way to find out if this was the way to fill it. 

"All the way, Hira. Fuck me." Why did finally saying it aloud feel so dirty? Kiyoi shivered, when his eyes flashed. It wasn't as if Hira hadn't  seen or touched, every possible part of his nude body so far tonight, including where the final destination was, so why did he look at him that way?


Hira's First Person POV

My butt cheeks clenched tight when he finally talked dirty! Oh to all the different gods out there, thank you! The beautiful man talking dirty to me was always part of my fantasy... 

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