Part 25

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They fell into an easy routine. In fact, Kiyoi loved the routine, with Hira making breakfast before he went to school, and he would have the house to himself to get ready. He would send a good morning text to Hira, when he woke, since he was usually in class, and Hira would call, on his lunch break.

They would talk for Hira's lunch, then Kiyoi would come home before the play would begin, for dinner with Hira. 

Kiyoi still smiled when he thought of opening night of the play and Hira's excitement on being asked to attend as his 'plus one' free ticket, family member. Hira dressed in an immaculate, if slightly, old fashioned dark blue but not quite navy, suit, with a dark blue shirt, and a green silk tie. His eyes were so black, Kiyoi knew his thoughts were not... clean. 

After the play, he wondered where Hira had stashed the huge bouquet of flowers. Only his man would have the confidence to give him flowers in public! He didn't even notice how the others had whispered about the man who gave him the bouquet. He handed him the flowers, a single rose surrounded by pink carnations and a small red flower that he didn't know until he asked Hira, who simply answered "Red Asters." 

They had gone home silent, not saying much, holding hands on the walk to the train, even though Kiyoi had wanted to take a taxi, frugal Hira insisted on doing things his way. "I'll protect you," He said, lowly, squeezing his hand softly. Kiyoi had felt his insides disappear, melting into nothing at those words. 

The short walk afterwards, from the train to the house, Hira pulled him off the beaten path and kissed him in 'their spot' near the river. They had spent all the good times, and bad, it seemed in that spot. "We need to leave a better memory here." Hira explained, letting him go, his eyes glittering. 

They both remembered Kiyoi's tears, pushing Hira away. Hira caught his hand, as Kiyoi tried to hit him in embarrassment, a few petals fluttering to the ground. He swung him up in his arms, feet, twirling. "Our honeymoon?" Hira pushed, with his deadpan voice. 

The flowers lay on his chest, the scent of the rose almost overwhelming, before Kiyoi spoke. "Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with me, Hira?" For him, he couldn't be with anyone else. He already knew that Hira was his heart.

"If Japan allowed it, I would marry you." Kiyoi heard the simple honesty in his words and he couldn't stop the tears that shone in his eyes. Carefully, Hira put him on the ground and a gentle thumb came and swept one away. "Only cry around me, Kiyoi. Never do this with anyone else."

Blinking tears away, Kiyoi nodded and took his hand, dragging him out of the darkness, back under the streetlights. "Home, Hira. Take me home. My flowers are drooping."

The whole bouquet had been in the shape of a heart. It was the most beautiful thing Kiyoi had seen, and when he got back to the house with Hira, he put it in water as is. Hira shook his head and took it out. "No. It won't keep."

He wanted to cry, watching Hira destroy his beautiful flowers, but now, long after the rose was gone, the carnations still looked so pretty! He sighed. "Red Asters," He shifted on the edge of the step that overlooked the garden. Was there a meaning behind the bouquet? Hira had knowledge that far surpassed his own. He shifted again, holding his morning coffee. 

Kiyoi shifted again, this time paying attention to the changes in his body. He now had muscles in places he never expected, patting his belly and the well defined abdomen. Where once was a nice toned layer that cover the slim body, all of his fat was gone, leaving a well muscled body, even thinner than before. 

He raised his hand, staring at it, extending it and blocking out the light. "Hm... I don't know if my hands now look old, with the weight loss or if it's just me?" He glanced at the time and twisted, reaching for his phone, just as it rang. "Good morning, Hira."

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