Part 12

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Kiyoi's mouth dropped in shock as Hira walked past him, his chest bare and his hands, his hands were pushing both his loose trousers and underwear off at the same time! 

He blinked, taking in eyefuls of a much more muscular body than he expected. His bare back was well defined, leading down to a smooth dip before sweeping out to a nicely rounded curve of his buttocks, and shapely thighs. He closed his eyes, the sight now burned on his memory, as his body responded and his pants became tight. 

How many sleepless nights had he dreamed of this man? Of holding him, touching his body  intimately? Kissing him until they were both breathless and panting? His hand slipped down and he palmed his hardness, feeling how full he was. 

Would I ever have a better chance to find out the truth? "There is nothing more defenseless than a naked man."* Kiyoi snorted. Now he was even acting like Hira! Throwing back his head, in an open act of defiance, he stood and pulled off his shirt, tossing it in a corner. 

He pushed off the pajama shorts that belonged to Hira and left them where they lay. Now, also nude, he bravely marched towards the sound of running water and his future. 

Run now, Hira! Run, see how far you get from me, naked! 


Hira sat on a low stool, using his hand to spread soap, slowly and methodically, over his body as the water ran. The room was steamy. His eyes were unfocused and his hand patted around, searching for the small towel to scrub his skin. 

He blinked, and then sighed, leaning forward, as he felt the strong sweep of the towel scrub his back. His eyes close in pure enjoyment. His chin dropped to his chest. He rolled his head to the right, then to left, and then all the way around, loosening tight muscles as the towel ran up and down, with long strokes, cleaning his back. 

Hira couldn't help himself. It had been too long since someone had touched him. He had never been to a sauna, or a hot springs before, with anyone, and couldn't remember the last time anyone washed his back for him. He moaned with pleasure as the towel moved, now washing his neck and shoulders, moving down his arms, carefully paying attention to his hands, washing both sides. 

The strong hands washed underneath his chin, giving a massage, close enough to be considered a back hug, but never actually touching him except through the wet towel, but came low down to his pectoral muscles, lightly brushing over his nipples. 

After the episode, which left him exhausted, and mindless, Hira felt as if he was floating. On the low stool, he spread his legs, to ease the tension. The towel covered hand moved, following the side of his body, down his hip, to his thigh, and around the front curve, to his toes. He finished on leg, and moved on to the other. 

Only then, did Hira hear it. A soft sound, repeated over and over. He cocked his head and listened. "Stand up. Stand... I can do this. Let me finish... Stand up." 

So Hira did. The stool skittered across the wet floor and he heard a sigh... "So big, so hard, Hira." He knew that voice. He didn't want to open his eyes, this could be HIS dream. The towel ran hard over his the cheeks of ass and he shivered. Was it supposed to feel this good, having someone touching your ass? 

The dream hands moved to his front and the towel moved across his nipples, down his abdomen, now clenched against the sensations building, showing off his six pack, down to his hips. "Damn, Hira, who knew you had this hidden under all those baggy clothes!" 

Slowly, Hira opened his eyes. He needed to see. This... this really wasn't a dream. Because he'd dreamed about this. He'd fantasized about it, to his carefully hidden pictures, slowly stroking his cock. The same man who now held it, almost exactly the way he fantasized. 

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