Part 33

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As the sun began to set, it was even harder to keep the boy distracted. Haru kept glancing at his phone and finally looked at the two Oji's. "I want my mom." This time, Sawazaki heard in his voice that there was no compromise.

"Okay, little man, let's go find her." He stood up in the small cafe next to the hospital and reached out his hand. "But, since we are going inside, you have to either hold my hand or the other Oji's. No argument." 

Haru considered this seriously, then looked between the two men. Kayama had played but was much more reserved, while Sawazaki was fun and outgoing. He took a deep breath and said, with all seriousness, "Can't both of you?"

Nodding gravely, "Of course we can. Let's go." Just as seriously, Haru put his hand in Sawazaki's and extended his other one for Kayama. A small laugh escaped the boy as the Oji didn't KNOW how to hold his hand properly.

"Oji! You have to hold it tight or it slips out. I have a tiny hand." The boy squeezed his hand hard, to show Kayama the right way. Kayama flushed, being corrected by the boy. Sawazaki stared straight ahead, letting the two work it out. 

"Okay, Haru, got it." Kayama mumbled. "Let's go." Haru immediately tested the bond by lifting his feet off the ground. Sawazaki was expecting it and tightened his grip, allowing Haru to swing freely while there was an audible 'oof' from Kayama. 

"That's enough, Haru. We're old Oji's, we can't carry you." Laughed Sawazaki. "You have to walk." Haru nodded, satisfied. Tired, happy and full, he only wanted his mom and to go home. 


It didn't take long for the private room to be arranged to Nimura's satisfaction. They had even brought in a futon, thinking it was for her, but she was not about to correct their misconceptions. It wasn't their business. She sighed before going back down to observation to supervise the transfer. 

Just before entering, Nimura saw a new doctor at the nursing station. Her lips pursed in curiosity, wondering if this was Hira's attending doctor. Only one way to find out - ask. "Excuse me," She interjected, watching the Head Nurse's eyes widen slightly, "Are you Kazunari Hira's attending physician?" 

"I am. And you are?" The doctor turned to face her and Nimura smiled in relief. There were no signs of exhaustion! Clear eyes, and a reasonable demeanor... 

"Nimura Sawa, the guardian. May I have a word?" The doctor took in several deep breaths before turning her back to Nimura, completely ignoring her. 

"No. I have no time for a guardian who does not come to his appointments, despite multiple requests." The doctor waved her hand in a 'go away' gesture. The Head Nurse's mouth dropped open, knowing that there was no way Nimura would do that. 

Pissed, Sawa did something unforgivable in polite society. She yelled. "Who do you have listed as guardian? Because I guarantee if HIRA gave you his parents, instead of me, they will have ignored you. I AM HIS LEGAL GUARDIAN!" She pulled out the papers, signed and notarized when she turned 21. "So fuck you. I am firing you immediately. Leave now."

"Head Nurse," Sawa pulled out a list of doctors from her purse, "Start calling these physicians and find out who is available to come here for a consult with my nephew. IF this bitch is on the list, cross her off. I never want her breathing the same air as Hira again."

"Yes, Nurse." With trembling hands, the Head Nurse took the paperwork and turned to the phone. The specialist stared at Nimura in shock as the two began to organize things regarding Hira's care. 

"You... you can't do this without the guardian's authority!" She sputtered in disbelief. 

Taking a deep breath, the Head Nurse took pity on the specialist. "Doctor, I told you Hira's guardian was here. It's how we knew to contact you." She bowed low, almost in apology for Sawa's outbreak but knowing it was the specialist's own fault. "Do you think we would not have reviewed the proper paperwork after missing his diagnosis?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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