Chapter 14

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Manuel pulled into the drive of the home, slamming the door as he got out of the van. Fernando was waiting for him when he arrived. He walked outside expecting good news. "Did you get the money? Where is it? We've got a deadline to keep Hermano." He could tell from the look on his brother's face that something had gone wrong. "You got it right?"

"The cops were waiting on us, Hermano. Had to be a trap."

"A trap? Are you sure?" Fernando could feel anger rising in him. "Did they follow you? Did someone try and stop you? Did they chase you?"

"No, but there was some cop near the drop."

"So, no one chased you? No one made a move against you? You just saw some random cop. Did he make a move toward you? Did he even look at you?"

"I don't know. I saw some CHP, and I got out of there."

Fernando grabbed his brother by the shirt and slammed him against the van. "You're telling me they didn't even do anything to you, and you panicked? Is that what you're saying? No files, no money. Nothing? Is that what you're saying?"

"Fernando, I got spooked, okay?"

"No, it's not okay. It's far from okay." Fernando slammed his brother against the van again. "That gringo that hired us will lose his shit over this. You know that, right? All because you heard a siren and bolted." He let go of his brother. The temptation to hit him in the face was almost too much to resist, but somehow, he managed to check his anger.

"What do we do, Fernando?"

Fernando took several deep breaths as he looked away from his brother. "I'll call the gringo. He'll make the call." Reaching into his pocket, Fernando retrieved his phone and dialed his contact number.

The man's phone rang as he was on his way out of the office. He hoped that this was the news he was waiting for. "Did you get the files and the money?" he asked, looking to make sure no one was around.

"No, my brother said that there was a cop near the drop-off," Fernando said.

"Is the mark compromised? Are the cops aware of us, or did your brother piss himself too early?"

"He wasn't followed. I don't think the cops know. Wrong place, wrong time. What do you want to do?"

His first instinct was to throw the phone to the ground as he seethed angrily. "Make contact with our mark. Tell her if she wants her husband, she'll get the money and the files to us. Make her understand there is a price for failing to deliver." He ended the conversation as he approached his car. Seating himself, he called a number on his contacts. "Hey honey, I may be late for dinner tonight."

Erin sat despondently at the table of the interrogation room. Barnes sat across from her, doing what she could to help her mentally stay together. The phone the kidnappers sent her sat on the table between the two women. "They'll call. More than likely, he just got spooked. It happens. They'll keep Conner alive if they believe you have what they want." Erin did not respond. She kept staring at the phone without saying a word.

Taylor opened the door and motioned for Barnes to come and speak to him. She excused herself and met him at the door. "McClendon lost the van about a mile and a half down the road. He said the driver turned randomly and eventually lost him at a red light." Taylor was frustrated by the events of the day. He hoped the kidnappers would call back; otherwise, this kidnapping turned into a murder.

Another hour passed before the phone rang. Erin seemed instantly revived from her daze as she answered the phone. The voice on the other line sounded none too pleased. "I told you no cops," he said.

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