Chapter 28

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As she left the station that night, Barnes decided she didn't want to go home. She decided that since Taylor wouldn't be at his usual hang-out tonight, she would try Tavern on the Corner. It was close to the station, so it took her only a short time to get there. Pulling into the lot, she wondered why she'd never been there before tonight.

Walking through the door, she could see why Taylor liked the place. It was busy tonight, but there was still plenty of room for her at the bar. Laura made her way to the bar and took a seat. Looking around, she didn't see any familiar faces. Good, she thought, grateful to be alone with only strangers around her. When the bartender asked her what he could get for her, she ordered an amoretto sour.

Laura became lost in thought as she sat there pouring over the menu. "One amoretto sour for the lady," came an unfamiliar voice. A different man stood before her behind the bar, sitting the drink before her. "This isn't my usual choice, but they're not bad."

Barnes tried not to let on to her surprise. She studied the man for a moment before the realization finally hit her. "You must be Eddie," she said after an awkward moment. "Roger has told me a lot about you."

"And you must be Detective Laura Barnes. Roger has likewise told me a lot about you, too. When I picked up Roger, I saw you a while back at your apartment. That was after your injury. Feeling alright now?"

"I'm good. No lingering problems.," Barnes said, trying to believe it herself.

"Really? Well, that's good. I know a little bit about being injured on the job," he said, pointing down at his missing limb. "Took me a while to get past that, but I guess we all heal differently, don't we?" Eddie could tell that Laura was less than honest, but he decided not to press the issue. "How's your drink?"

Relieved at the subject change, Laura responded, "Oh, this is good. Not too sweet. I really like the sour better. Some people try to make them too sweet, but this is good."

"Great. Can I get you some food?"

"Sure. What do you recommend?"

"Our specialty burger. The barbeque sauce is not too spicy and goes well with the bacon. You like onion rings?"

"Gosh, yes," she answered, "love them."

"Then I'll get it started for you. Good friend discount tonight, too, and no arguing about that. If you need anything, ask me, and I'll get it for you."

He disappeared into the kitchen, leaving Laura to sit at the bar. She passed the time by playing on her phone as she waited. Barnes thought about what Eddie said about how it took a while to move past his injury. Was that what she was doing? Was she trying to move past her brush with death and the heartbreak caused by Davis? Laura finished her drink and asked the bartender for another one. Eddie arrived with the burger and onion rings shortly after she got her drink.

"Here you go, Detective Barnes. Hope you enjoy."

"Please," she said, "call me Laura." She bit into her burger, and true to his word, it was delicious. She had to sit the burger down quickly to grab her napkin as barbeque sauce ran down her chin. "Oh man, that's good," she finally told him. "I mean, that is really good."

"Thanks. I was a cook in the Marines. Learned a thing or two about food service with them."

"Well, they taught you well."

"Then I'll leave you to it. Let me know if I can get you anything."

Laura finished the burger and onion rings in record time. She felt full, but it felt good, causing her to relax. It almost embarrassed her how fast she managed to eat the meal, leaving behind a clean plate.

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