Chapter 37

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After searching Barry Sherman's apartment, Taylor, Barnes, and McClendon discussed what they learned in Taylor's office. "The account numbers match up exactly with the accounts given to us by Mrs. Harper," McClendon began. "With the access given to us by Sherman, we now have a money trail to follow on these accounts and where the money went. The only thing it doesn't show us is who controls the follow of money besides Erin Harper."

"Which means we're going to have to keep looking for whoever is responsible for bringing in Erin Harper," Taylor said.

"Yes, but I got to thinking," said McClendon, "what if who we're looking for doesn't work directly with Mrs. Harper? What if, instead, they're someone who works with the oversight of the money? Like an accountant."

"That would make sense," Barnes interjected, "but how would they have discovered Erin's past?"

"Let's first focus on the accounting part of this," Taylor said as he looked up from the notebook. "We'll get Sherman in there to call his boss and tell him he's found something. Try to cast some doubt on whoever is controlling the money flow."

"I thought about that too," McClendon said. "I checked on some of the people who worked in accounting. That's how I came across Gregory Rutland, head of the accounting department at Daniels, Morgan, and Steers."

"That's the guy that took the report about the stolen files, according to the security guard we talked to the other day," Barnes said.

"He was also up for the same position as Erin Harper. Now get this: she was promoted ahead of him even though he worked there two years longer. Sounds like a good motive for the blackmail," McClendon said.

"Did they go to the same college?" Barnes asked McClendon.

"No, Rutland attended UCLA School of Business, and they did not attend the same high school either."

"But they are around the same age, so they would have been in school approximately when Erin was working as a stripper," Taylor said. "Rutland could have been at one of the parties she danced at back in college. We need to try and track down some of the people he knows from his college years, see if any of them had any stripper parties, or maybe bachelor's parties that involved a stripper."

"It's a pretty safe bet that at least one of them did," Barnes said sarcastically.

"Okay, just because someone had a stripper at a bachelor's party doesn't make them a criminal," McClendon chided her.

"No, just a creep," she shot back at him.

"Okay, can we get back to the planning session, please?" Taylor said. "McClendon, check out Rutland's social media pages and see if we can get a list of friends from his college days. Barnes, find out what you can from Mrs. Harper about any clients she may have had at UCLA or in that general area. I know it was a long time ago, but give it a try."

"Got it. I should also check in on her husband's condition."

"Fine, let's get it done, people," Taylor said as the detectives began their assigned tasks.

Erin sat on her bed, trying to relax and pass the time. The uncomfortable pain in her back was improving, but it was far from good. She was past the point of worry and anxious to hear news about Conner. By now, her kids must be worried sick about her as well. The longing to see them tore at her, but she kept telling herself to stay strong for a while longer.

Hearing the footsteps coming down the hallway, she stood up to try and see who it was. The trouble was you couldn't see at such a sharp angle. She did not have to wait long before Barnes stood before her cell. They exchanged greetings before the Detective began asking her questions.

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