Chapter 19

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The Alonso brothers drove to a secluded spot outside town and waited for the heat to die. After several long and agonizing minutes, Fernando decided he had lost the cops. He changed his shirt and removed the mask and construction helmet before easing back onto the streets. "I think we've lost them, Hermano. You got the money out of the bag?"

"Si Fernando. We are good; it's all here."

"Good thing since we ditched the gringo already, huh?"

They laughed as Manuel joined his brother up front, sitting beside him. Reasoning that it was safe enough since the cops were looking for a single driver, not a driver and passenger. In the back of the van were various lawn care tools and a couple of bags of fertilizer. They could always claim they were on their way to a job if stopped. It also was convenient to have that equipment in case they had to bury the body of Dr. Harper. Manuel was no doubt relieved that didn't happen.

Fernando drove cautiously back to the house they used to stash Dr. Harper. He doubted the good doctor was awake to tell the cops anything, and if he did, it wouldn't matter anyway since he was blindfolded the whole time he was there. As he drove, a police car sat on the side of the road. The two brothers tensed up for a few seconds and then breathed a sigh of relief as the cop let them pass. Satisfied, Fernando drove on to the house.

Their belongings were mainly packed and ready to go. It would not take them long to move on once they returned to the house. Fernando planned to drive until late that night, heading north. Afterward, they would head east before laying low in a big city. They had yet to decide which one, but with all the money they had, it hardly mattered. In less than an hour, they would be on the road.

Arriving back at the house, Fernando sent Manuel inside. Fernando took out his phone and called the gringo in charge one last time. When the man answered, Fernando told him, "I got the files you wanted. Where do you want me to drop them off?"

"Good, take them to the bus stop at the corner of 4th and Oakdale Avenue. Leave them under the bench." With that, the man on the other line ended the call.

Fernando shook his head and put his phone in his pocket as he started to walk inside. "Hermano, hurry up. We got a stop to make before we leave town. The gringo wants us to drop his files at a bus stop. The good news is it's on the way."

"Almost ready, Fernando. Are we going to get something to eat before we go?"

"Si, si we'll get a burger or something. Just hurry up. We leave for San Fran now; we can be there late this afternoon."

"Alright, Hermano, I'll be ready in ten minutes."

Outside the house, Taylor, Barnes, and McClendon quietly moved toward the house with weapons drawn. They took cover behind the van and waited for the two brothers to emerge. Taylor squatted down and peeked around the front of the van, spotting the two making their way outside. He held his finger up and counted to five, then spoke into the radio, "Alright, move in." The three detectives sprang from behind the van with their guns drawn. "Put your hands up," Roger shouted.

Fernando and Manuel were caught entirely by surprise, trapped between the van and the house. Fernando dropped his bag and reached for the pistol in his waistband. Then he heard the blaring sirens as multiple police cars entered the cul-de-sac. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. The lady here is a little pissed at you and is looking for an excuse to shoot, so you better put your hands up." Cursing loudly, Fernando put his hands in the air. "Smart choice, my friend. Detectives, cuff them and read them their rights."

Taylor walked into the house and began to process the scene. He walked in a circular pattern, snapping pictures with his phone. The guys weren't much on decoration. The only thing he found inside was a couch, a small television, a couple of beds, and a wooden chair in one of the rooms. Looking by the chair, he found several strands of rope that looked as if they were cut. I bet this is where they kept Dr. Harper, he thought.

McClendon joined him inside. Taylor looked up as he entered the room. "Detective, we got their personal belongings loaded up, and we're ready to tow the van." Taylor recognized an eagerness in the other man he could relate to from his younger days—an enthusiasm for the job he admired in the young, soon-to-be detective.

"Good work, McClendon. I don't think we are going to find much useful information here. Fingerprints and a few left receipts only confirm what we already know." Taking a final look around, he decided to return to the station. "I want you to shadow Barnes and me as we talk to these guys. Stay sharp, though; these guys are pros."

About an hour later, the detectives were seated in Chief Vanderbeck's office. "Nice work, detectives, on catching our kidnappers. We need to find out who they are working for and how we can find them. Any thoughts on that?" she asked the assembled detectives.

"I think it's likely they don't know who they were dealing with," Taylor answered. "More than likely, the guy only communicated by phone."

"Which brings up the question of how he first met the Alonso brothers in the first place," Barnes interjected into the conversation.

"Something we need to know," Vanderbeck said in response, "and while they probably can't tell us what their boss looks like, they may give us something to go on." She leaned back in her chair and straightened her uniform. "We also need to investigate the people Mrs. Harper gave us. If this was an inside job, one of them is likely our mastermind."

"Agreed. I'll start to work on old Fernando. Barnes, you take Manuel. McClendon will shadow us. Will that work, Chief?"

"Get it done," she said and dismissed them.

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