Chapter 30

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McClendon sat in his car across from the building Fernando told Taylor about during the visit to the county jail. He arrived just before nine that morning, and after two hours, nothing unusual took place. The distribution center of the industrial park was composed of five long buildings, each complete with several loading docks for trucks of all sizes. Most had a set of iron stairs leading to a glass door and office area. Some companies used the space as an office, while others conducted business transactions inside the office.

While he sat watching, several trucks arrived and either dropped off their load or picked one up. So far, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Another hour passed before he finally spotted someone who fit Taylor's description. A black car with four Hispanic males arrived at the building. They parked their car and walked up the metal steps into the office area. He could not say if it was who he was looking for, so he decided to look closer.

McClendon parked his car near the suspect's vehicle. He grabbed a pair of sunglasses from the passenger seat and an old shipping manifest he found in the police office. Climbing the stairs, he looked around for signs of trouble, but nothing stood out. He took a quick look through the glass door before opening it. Seeing nothing suspicious, he opened the door and entered as a door chime rang.

A young Hispanic man walked into the office area as McClendon stood there looking around the office space. The man regarded McClendon with suspicion before asking what he wanted. "Hey, yeah, I'm supposed to pick up six copy paper boxes and several boxes of pens."

"Pens? We don't sell pens here, amigo. Now get the...."

"Oh, sorry, listen, can you help me out here? I'm looking for Office Supply Emporium, Building 4603. Should be here, right?" he said, looking around as he spoke. He spotted a couple of boxes that seemed out of place and made a mental note of them.

"Look, muchacho, this is 4602. You want the building across the lot. Now get out."

"Hey, yeah, sure. Sorry to bother you."

Before he could leave, a bald Hispanic man matching the description given to Taylor came around the corner. "Mateo, I need you to...," he stopped as he noticed McClendon standing there. "Mateo, who is this?" he asked as he reached behind him.

"Nobody, Domingo. Just some guy looking for the office supply store across the lot."

"Is that so?" Domingo asked as he walked toward McClendon. "You lost, dude? That right? Let's see about that. Turn around."

McClendon looked back and forth between the two men. "Hey, look, I didn't mean to bother you. I just need...."

"To shut up and turn around," Domingo said in a low, threatening voice as he pulled the pistol from his waistband. "Mateo, search him." The other man wasted no time in patting down McClendon. He pulled out McClendon's wallet, took a quick look, and tossed it to the floor. He then ran his hands roughly up and down every part of McClendon's body. Satisfied, he looked back at Domingo, who still had the pistol pointed at McClendon, and declared he was clean.

"Take your wallet and go," Domingo said, putting away the pistol. "Mateo, get these boxes put up."

Trying to play up the part of the frightened driver, McClendon quickly grabbed his wallet and descended the steps. Jumping in his car, he drove off as fast as he could. Looking in his rearview mirror, McClendon could see Domingo watching to ensure he went where he said he was going. As he rounded the corner of the building, he parked his car and took a deep breath to calm himself. He picked up his phone and called Taylor.

"Taylor, I've got a positive ID on this Domingo guy. He's here now."

"Are you sure?" Taylor asked him.

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