Chapter 27

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Taylor showered quickly after he arrived back at the station. Rechecking the time on his cell phone, he realized he was supposed to pick Amber up in about half an hour. He rushed out, jumped into his car, and drove to Amber's home. The GPS led him there without any problems; for once, even the traffic cooperated. 

The home was larger than he expected it to be from her description. It was a two-story home with large windows adorning the front near the door. The lawn was neatly kept and sculpted. He almost felt embarrassed to be there as a thought about his small apartment ran through his mind as he parked the car.

He rang the doorbell and waited for Amber to answer. When she came to the door, he did not see her at first since he was too busy looking around, admiring the grounds. She opened the door and greeted him. When Roger finally laid eyes on her, he was awed by how she looked that evening. Amber wore a red and white pinstripe jersey with the name Tigersharks written across it in red cursive lettering. Her hair was down and fell gracefully to her shoulders.

"Do you like it?" she asked him. "The jersey, I mean. I ordered it so I'd have something to wear to the game."

"You look amazing," he spat, almost regretting his word choice.

"Thanks. I got us a couple of scorecards if you need me to get them," she told him.

"Oh, uhm, no. No, I got a couple in the car. I keep them in a binder in the backseat."

"Great, so let's get going. I'm starving, and I've been looking forward to one of those stadium dogs all day."

"They are great. Shall we then?"

"You bet."

As they walked toward his car, he debated whether or not to open the door for her. Even if it may be old-fashioned, he opened the door for her anyway. She did not object and thanked him for being a gentleman. He went to the driver's seat, and soon, they were headed to the game.

"You know, I bought a hat to wear with the jersey. I wasn't sure if it would be too much, though," she told him after a few minutes.

"I couldn't imagine it would look bad. I love the jersey."

"Really? I'm glad. I usually don't deck myself out in fan gear this much when I go to a game."

"No? You look great. I usually wear a ball cap with what I wear to work. Sometimes, I go straight from the station to the ballpark. It's one of the reasons I keep the scorecards back there."

"So, from how far back do you have scorecards?"

"Well, I have some from around the early 2000s. I lost a lot last year when my car blew up."

"Blew up?" she asked, surprised at what she heard.

"It's a long story."

They soon arrived at the stadium, and after paying for the parking spot, they made their way through the turn stall and to their seats. Once seated and situated, Roger left to get the stadium dogs and drinks. He returned just in time for the first pitch. He handed Amber her food and seated himself just in time to record the first out of the game.

Looking over at Amber, she seemed to be enjoying her stadium dog. "These are as good as they looked online. I hate to say it, but I might have to get another one." She took a long draft of her drink to wash down her food.

"Be careful; they're addictive. How's it compare with Dodger Stadium's food?" he asked her.

"It's pretty close. You know I always eat at the stadium. Just something about baseball and food."

The Tigersharks led for the majority of the game. Then, in the 8th Inning, an error allowed the leadoff batter to make it to First Base. Two hits later, the score was tied 6-6. In the 9th Inning, the Tigersharks gave up three runs, and that's how the game ended. The disappointed crowd began to file out of the stadium on their way home.

As Roger and Amber returned to the car, they chatted about the game and how the Tigersharks' bullpen was disappointing. As they exited the stadium, he felt his hand lightly brush against hers. Without thinking about it, he took her hand into his. She looked over at him, smiled, and walked hand in hand with him to the car.

When they returned to Amber's house, she didn't wait for him to open her door. Instead, she let herself out and waited for him in front of his car. Again, they walked hand in hand to the door. "I had a lovely time with you tonight," he told her, unsure what to do next.

"So did I. Do you want to come in for a bit? I can make some coffee or open a bottle of wine."

He felt more than a little nervous at that moment. Roger hoped that she didn't notice that he was trembling. "I would like to, but...."

"Oh, it's okay if you don't. I was just...."

"Yeah, no, I want to," he said, his voice trailing.

"Then why don't you?" she asked, staring back into his eyes.

He looked down at his feet. Roger was usually not at a loss for words, but something sounded wrong. Finally, he regained his composure. "It's been a long time since I felt this way about someone. I guess I'm afraid I'm going to blow it. I know it doesn't make sense. I can face down a guy with a gun, but crossing the threshold of your house feels like a different kind of courage."

She looked into his eyes, and for a moment, Roger felt like she was staring deep into his soul. "It doesn't have to be an act of courage. Nothing will happen in there that you don't want to happen."

"That's just it," he said, his voice almost in a whisper. "I do want it, whatever happens." He noticed how close she had moved toward him. Before he knew it, his arms were around her waist, pulling her closer. Their lips met, and an energy passed between them. One he had not felt since the last time he was with Shelia. But it wasn't Shelia he was thinking about this time. The kiss revived a part of him that he thought might have been gone. It ended too quickly, leaving him wanting more, reawakening emotions he'd not felt in years. Amber opened the door clumsily, taking him by the hand and leading him inside.

Before he knew it, she guided him into her bedroom. She looked back at him as she led him inside. Letting go of his hand, she slowly unbuttoned the jersey, her every movement building the passion between them. He watched as the jersey, at last, fell to the floor. Roger began to unbutton his shirt as he watched her remove her flesh-colored bra. She slowly turned around, pulling him close to her.

Their lips met again. Roger could feel his heart beating inside his chest so fast he thought it might burst forth. Amber took him by the hand, gliding toward the waiting bed. Gently, she sat on the mattress, enticing him to join her. Roger needed no enticement. He took his place next to her. Gracefully, Amber slipped into his arms again.

Moments later, they were both undressed, bodies entwined in passion. At first, it felt odd, almost strange to Roger. Had it been so long since he'd felt this way? The strangeness gave way to a passion he longed to feel with each passing moment. With every move of her body, his unease vanished until he became lost inside her. He felt her arms wrapped around his back, her touch taking away all his tension. Her body moved underneath him, her breath feeling warm upon his face.

Their passion built, one move building upon the next until the inevitable release. Out of breath, they lay beside each other, almost as if neither knew what to say. Neither spoke, but they didn't have to. They looked deeply into each other's eyes. Amber's hand, resting on Roger's head, pulled him to her lips one last time. Shortly, she fell asleep in his arms. Roger lay there momentarily regarding the beautiful woman he held in his arms. The warmth of her body next to his put him at ease. Roger tried not to close his eyes, wishing to hang on to the feeling he'd found for a while longer. Try as he might to fight it, he, too, fell asleep.

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