Chapter 40

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Precisely at six o'clock the following evening, Sherman called Rutland. "Do you have my money?" he asked, hoping he didn't sound as nervous as he felt. The pressure was starting to get to him. This had gone further than he thought it would when he was first approached. It had been made clear to Sherman that the cartel owned him and had no intention of letting him walk away. This might be his chance to change that, or it might be his last mistake. He thought that one outcome was as likely as the other at this point.

"Yes, I have it. Where do we meet? I want to get this over with."

"Good, I will text you the address. It's a small coffee shop in town. Bring the money, and we will make the exchange."

"How do I know who you are?"

"I'll find you. You have less than an hour," Sherman said as he hung up the phone. Sherman took a deep breath as he sat down the phone on the table. "Did you get that?" he asked to seemingly no one.

Taylor and Barnes sat across the street from the coffee shop in his Charger. He looked at her and rolled his eyes. "Well, at least we know the wire we put on him still works," he said sarcastically. "Yes, Sherman, we heard you. You're doing great. Just a little longer, and it will all be over." He spoke into the radio, "McClendon, are you in position?"

"Here, boss. I'm seated three tables away from Sherman by the railing. I'm just enjoying a cup of coffee and playing on my phone. Typical coffee house stuff."

"Good deal. Stay put and keep Sherman in sight."

"You got it."

"Too bad he can't bring us a cup," Barnes said.

"Tell you what, I'll buy you a latte."

"Make it a caramel macchiato, and you've got a deal. A scone would be nice, too."

"Man, you're an expensive date. Does Miller know that?"

"What? How did you know?"

"Oh, come on, Barnes, give me some credit. It's obvious that you two have been hiding this, whatever it is. Really isn't that hard to figure out."

"McClendon told you, didn't he? When I get my hands on him."

"Laura, it's not that big of a deal, but are you sure that dating another cop in the department is a good idea? I mean after Davis."

"We're not dating. We...we have some things to sort out, that's all."

"I know it's been a long year for you, Laura. You deserve to be happy. Just be careful."

To his surprise, she said, "I will." Her eyes lit up when she spotted a man carrying a large satchel, "Taylor, I think that's our guy," she said as she pointed to the man.

"Okay, people look sharp; our boy just arrived. McClendon, don't make a move until we're ready."

The coffee shop suddenly seemed a lot busier since they spotted Rutland. Four or five people entered the coffee shop before Rutland. He walked in, sat at a small table, and checked his watch. He sat there for about a minute before his phone rang. "Walk outside, the second table from the door," said the voice on the other end. Looking up, Rutland saw a man sitting at a table he'd walked past just a short time before coming inside. Annoyed, he went to where the man sat.

Rutland sat across from him regarding the man with scorn on his face. "I know you, don't I? I've seen you before," he said, trying to remember where he'd seen the vaguely familiar man.

"Never mind that. Hand over the money."

"Yeah, I have seen you before. You're one of the security guards at the office. I guess they thought I would never suspect you. So, tell me, just what do you know about how money works?"

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