Chapter 1

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"Welcome to sunny London Mr Miranda!"
Mark laughed as he took Lin's case from him and opened an umbrella over his head to stop him getting drowned.

Lin smiled.
"Well thank you! I always like to bring some amazing weather with me! Please call me Lin, we are going to be spending quite some time together for the next week. Hey I can take my own case."

"It's fine, I've got it.... Lin. How was your flight?"

"Long! I swear I get seated near to more annoying people every time I fly, apparently the fact the airline doesn't carry half fat soy milk is a huge deal. Who would've thought!"

Mark laughed and opened the car door for him.

"I can also open a door by myself too, i'm quite trained that way"
He looked at Mark and grinned.

Mark shrugged and smiled back at him.
"You'll be telling me you can cut your own food up next and completely do me out of a job."

Lin laughed out loud "I think we're going to get on just fine"

Mark shut the door behind him and got in the drivers seat.

They made their way through the London traffic, Mark put up the privacy glass in the car as a courtesy while Lin was on a phone call to Lac.
"Hey! How you doing?"

"Hi Lin-Man! Glad you arrived safe and sound. Everything is set up for first rehearsal tomorrow. The others have got a weeks practice up on you but an old seasoned pro like you will be fine. I'll see you at the theatre about 11? Give you chance for a bit of a lie in, do you need directions?"

"Perfect!" Lin responded.
"My guy Mark will know how to get there. He seems pretty switched on. Hey and less of the seasoned pro! Old, I'll take. I'll see you tomorrow"

Lac laughed.
"See you tomorrow"

He sat back and watched the roads speed by, even in the rain London had a special something about it.
He was pleased to be away from New York for a while. The British Press had picked up on his life drama but not on the spectacular scale of the US media. Things had got ridiculously stressful recently, juggling things around left, right and centre. On top of that he also just finalised a very messy divorce, finding re adjusting to single life at 40 years old challenging to say the least.
He had been asked to perform at a very special concert in aid of British performer Carolina Freeman who had sadly passed away the previous month. She had been an icon in her field of musical theatre but had managed that elusive cross over into films and popular culture as well. A much loved part of British Entertainment and respected round the world her passing was sorely felt.
The concert was to be held at the Royal Albert Hall and would be featuring the most well known people in various music genres - Rock, Pop, Opera, Classical, Rap and Musical Theatre as well as a few up and coming new acts on the verge of making it big.
Lin felt proud to have been asked.
He was looking forward to not having to think of anything but rehearsals and performing for a few days.
The intercom buzzed.
"Are you wanting to swing by anywhere before we get to the hotel? Do you want anything to eat?"

He pressed the button to retract the glass, hating the snobbishness of an intercom.
"I think I'll be good tonight. Is the room service 24 hours?"

Mark laughed. "For you I'm sure it will be. If you need anything at all though my number is on this card. Call me anytime day or night."

"Thanks Mark. Appreciate it. I won't be bothering you at 3am for a Snickers and a milkshake though don't worry."

Mark smiled. He had been told Lin was a really good guy. Everyone in the office was jealous when he told them who he was looking after.
They pulled up at the hotel and he walked round to open the door.
Lin beat him to it and got out smiling. "See! My arm is still attached to my body and everything"

Mark chuckled. "Well at least let me carry your case before I get in trouble for not doing anything."

Lin nodded and bowed dramatically "Ok. It's all yours!"

He carried Lins case into reception and went straight to the desk.
"Mr Miranda to check in for one week." The clerk looked at her screen, pressed a few numbers and frowned.
"I can't see a Mr Miranda here...."

Lin stood behind Mark and whispered "Try Jack Lamplighter."
Mark looked at him confused, and turned to the clerk.
"It may be under Jack Lamplighter..."

She clicked some buttons. "Ah! Yes here we are.... " she noticed the letters VIP next to his name and took a second look at him. Suddenly recognising him she reddened.
"I'm so sorry about that Sir. Please forgive me, that shouldn't have happened..."

He smiled at her.
"Hey it's fine."
He looked at her name badge "Ruby"

She smiled at him, picked up a key card and beckoned to a porter.
"Please can you take Mr Lamplighters luggage to suite 2 and ensure he has everything he needs"
The porter nodded and took the case from Mark.
"If you would like to follow me Sir."

Lin turned to Mark. "I'll see you tomorrow, about 10.30? Will that give us enough time to get there?"

"Yes that will be fine. Have a good evening. Give me a call if you need anything at all"

"I'll be good. See you tomorrow"

Mark watched him walk off and Ruby looked at him "Shit I can't believe I messed up like that!"
He smiled at her. "That was my fault. It's all ok don't worry."
She looked relieved and turned away to answer the phone.

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