Chapter 9

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The alarm went off and Lin woke feeling surprisingly good.
He praised himself.
"I can still rock out with the kids and get up the next day. Old man Miranda is on it!"
Suddenly Julie's words came into his head and he chastised himself.
"40 isn't old Lin!"

He poured a coffee and his mind immediately went to Kelly. He sat down in the chair and let his mind wander picturing her smiling at him, her long legs stretching out in front of her, pulling down the zip of her boots oh so slowly.
He felt movement and laughed.
"Not now DD!" Which made him laugh even more. He turned the shower on to cold and jumped in.

"Morning Lin."
Mark smiled as he spotted him walking through reception.
"How are you feeling?"

Lin hugged Mark and smiled.
"Actually pretty good! Looking forward to tonight."

Mark nodded.
"We're looking forward to watching it. Julie has got everything crossed that Dhalia sleeps so we can see it all. She's going to record your part so She can play it to her if she wakes up, because 'Uncle Lin' seems to have magical soothing powers."

Lin laughed and walked round to the passenger door of the car, he opened it and got in.
Mark was a bit confused but put his seatbelt on.
Lin had already anticipated the question.
"You're not my driver now. You're a friend. I'm not sitting in the back anymore."

They pulled in to the drop off point and Lin jumped out.

Mark shouted after him.
"Lin! Nearly forgot. Julie asked me to give you this."
He passed him an envelope and a box "Steve is coming to ours so we'll all be watching. I'll be here in good time to pick you up later."

Lin took the box from him.
"Thanks bud.  I'll see you later."

Mark drove off shaking his head. Lin-Manuel Miranda had just called him bud. If you had told him that would be happening a week ago he would've questioned your sanity.

Predictably it was pandemonium at the theatre. People rushing everywhere, shouting, crying, people in small huddles singing through scales and voice warm ups.
Lin smiled as he went in.
He loved this part. The more chaotic things were the calmer and more at home he felt.

He went to his room and looked at the itinerary that was taped to his door. "Someone's organised!"
There were some photo shoots set up in an hour. The brief said 'smart casual' He changed into a suit and shirt deciding that the tux would be too much.
Smiling he wondered what Kelly would interpret as 'smart casual'
Picking up the gift that Julie had given him he opened up the box
There was a homemade fresh Chicken salad, some fruit, and some homemade cake. Lin laughed and opened the card
'Break a leg Uncle Lin. Mummy worries about you not eating properly. I will try to be good and stay asleep but it's hard without having you sing to me. Lots of sloppy kisses Dhalia' there was a photo of her in the card. She was wearing a baby grow from his own merch line with 'young, scrappy and hungry' on it.
Lin smiled and kissed the photo, wiping a tear away. He pressed it into the mirror frame and took a picture of himself eating his salad.
He recorded a voice note and sent it to Julie with the photo.

He finished eating and started to make his way down to the shoot meeting point. There was a voice behind him.

"Alright DD."

He started laughing before he had even turned round.
She fell into step with him and linked arms. Lin looked at her and suddenly stopped dead.
His smile disappeared, he tried to speak but nothing came out.

Kelly frowned at him.
"You ok? Are you having a stroke? Do I need to call an ambulance?"

Lin shook his head slowly. A smile growing wide on his face.
"Fucking hell Kelly. You look stunning."

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