Chapter 1

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    In a noisy restaurant full of chaos and busy people minding their business, Dahyun is having fun with Nayeon talking about their crusty boss whom they seem to hate so much with all their might. Dahyun laughed out loud when Nayeon made a silly face trying to imitated the boss's voice acting like she's mad and looking at them right now, some people would think they are high or has chugged down a liter of soju but it's just their own way of gossiping about something or rather someone behind their back.

  As Dahyun was laughing uncontroll-ably, their boss that sits behind Nayeon turned around with her face full of rage and eyes burning with all red ears shaking from anger. Dahyun froze with her mouth wide opened while Nayeon still doing her mimicking business without aware of her surrounding and Dahyun's reaction at all.

_Dahyun! Why are you so quiet? You should see her face this yesterday afternoon GIRL she's like an angry bird - Nayeon laughed again like a maniac knocking on the table loudly but this time Dahyun still haven't responded to her yet again making Nayeon confused and followed Dahyun's gaze behind and oh Lord..Nayeon feels like all the soju inside of her suddenly left her body.

   It all happened too fast, their boss boss just pulled out a stunt that they are fired and Dahyun trying to defend Nayeon from her boss trash talking towards them. Luckily there was a woman around their age invaded in their fight.

_ Excuse me! This is a restaurant where we eat and drink miss, can you go and make a fuss somewhere else? We don't want to waste our energy calling the police to here! - with an apologetic attitude from this woman, their boss or ex-boss exit the restaurant with raged and heavy breathe slamming the door shut earning everyone's attention.
   Dahyun and Nayeon prepared to go back home and Dahyun was showing the woman her gratitude the whole time saying she wouldn't know what to do if the woman didn't show up in the fight.

_ My name is Park Jihyo, nice to meet you..miss? - Jihyo offered her hand out for a handshake and scanning Dahyun up and down.

_I am Kim Dahyun and my bestfriend Im Nayeon right there, thank you again for helping her miss Jihyo! Without you, we are probably end up in jail by our cruel boss already.

_ I heard that she fired you both as I was coming closer to here, do you perhaps looking for a job right now?

_ Yes..since she already fired us, I will probably start looking for a job tomorrow and I don't wanna stick to my old work anyway.

  Jihyo took this as her big opportunity to look for a secretary for her boss Minatozaki Sana since Jihyo is getting married in three weeks, they can't find anyone that is suitable for the job at all. Jihyo introduced their company to Dahyun whose face is shining and beam with hope as she flew to hug Jihyo and showing her gratitude once again.

  Going back to home was a silent walk between them two and Dahyun is the first to start conversation breaking the awkward silence between them.

_ The woman who help us offer us to work with them in their company not too far from here, what do you think about this Nae? - Dahyun asked hoping Nayeon would try to cooperate with her.

_ No, Dahyunie. I'm done with office life and I'm trying to open a coffee shop with Jeong near the dance studio.

    Dahyun was so surprised to hear about this. But nevertheless, Dahyun congrats Nayeon for their business and wishing them luck. Hence, look like she will be the only one to work with the woman she met awhile ago, hoping that they could show her and her new boss would be a nice and pretty woman instead of her old boss that looks like a secret fail project from secret area near the town.

Getting herself to sleep in the bed, Dahyun took her phone out to set the alarm and getting ready for tomorrow interview with her new boss Minatozaki Sana, she doesn't know  a bit about her new boss but hope they would treat her well as a new secretary in the company.
[ Minatozaki S. Company ]
_ Sana, your new secretary will come for an interview in an hour. - Jihyo with a cup of black coffee in her hand reach to take her bag and ready to set off .

_ Is she sexy? - Sana asked this without taking her eyes off the screen and her fingers busy tapping the keyboard.

Jihyo side eye her after hearing the ridiculous question but deep down she knows Sana wouldn't do anything bad towards anyone and she's hard to tame to. Unless you're her close people, she wouldn't give a damn about you at all. That's what make her stand out the most.

Sana is an only child and is a hire of Minatozaki family, everyone knows that Sana is a good child to her parents.

_ Don't scared her off, Sana. She's seems to be a good girl and be gentle on her, I know you hate new people stay close to you.

Jihyo after finishing stuff up her bag, she walked out of the building with her mind clear and new life to begin with.

After 50 minutes past. Sana got a call from her receptionist saying her new secretary is on the way, great. She's not ready for another person to be close with her in work after Jihyo.
_Come in - Sana said coldly to the person outside of the door.

Dahyun walk in politely and bowed to Sana as respect. Upon seeing Kim Dahyun in front of her her, Sana gets a weird feeling building inside the pit of her stomach. She's beautiful is all Sana can thinks.

During the interview together, Sana can't help but stare at her seductive thin lips and the pale skin of her along with her pleasant smell. Don't get her wrong, Sana doesn't like to act as a pervert in broad daylight but this girl, Dahyun seems to captivate her through this ethereal beauty not to mention what Sana noticed first is her curves and the way her pencil skirt hugs her hip perfectly and her beautiful small body with a tight blouse just..making Sana feels thing.

P.S: This chapter is short asf I know, I promise to make it up to you after my meeting, alright? Love ya !

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