Chapter 6 (M)

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Dahyun's slender fingers tapping anxiously on the desk or rather Sana's desk. It's been two days and today should be the day Sana coming back to Korea but she haven't received any update texts from Sana at all.

Dahyun's fidgeting with her phone wether to text Sana first or not, her pride is too high to text someone first, she can't do it. Dahyun nibble on her bottom lip slightly feeling something is not okay.

She haven't talk to Mina today too, she's been overthinking about how Mina treats her so good when Sana is not around.

【 Flashback 】
Mina and Dahyun was eating lunch together, Mina noticed that Dahyun didn't bring any hair ponytail with her so Mina went to hold Dahyun's hair for her after noticing that Dahyun is struggling with her hair down.

Dahyun's cheeks went crimson red and hot, she didn't know if it's from the spicy foods that she's eating or the sudden skin contact with Mina.

"I have two movie tickets." Mina whispered softly in Dahyun's ear.
"Why are you telling me that..?" Dahyun looked at Mina with her bright eyes, they shared eyes contact with each other for so long, Mina talked back, "Will you go on a movie date with me?" Mina smiles slightly loving the gaze and attention on her.

Dahyun let out a big eyes smile revealing her white bright teeth and the gummy smile, captivated Mina in place, she's staring in awe seeing the brightest smile for the first time.

"Mina unnie, how do you know I love The Little Prince?" Dahyun smiled at her. Mina was awestruck and nervous at how close she's with Dahyun right now. She couldn't find a word to explain and, "maybe the invisible string of love tie us with this story?"

They both got shocked but laughed together happily after it. They both entered the movie theater with two big popcorns in their hands, after sitting comfortably on their respective seats, the movie began.

During the movie, Dahyun keep getting emotional throughout the movie but he mouth keeps on chewing the corn yet her tears threatening to fall down any minutes now.

Mina can't help but smile at Dahyun from time to time admiring how cute Dahyun can be with pigtails hairstyle and those cute outfits.

Midway through the movie, Dahyun choke up on her tears making everyone around her distracted, Mina can't help it, she laughed out loud to the point the security guards had to escorted them out of the room.

But instead of being mad or irritated, they both laughed together again. Dahyun wiped her fake tears , "Mina unnie! Then movie is so good, I can't help it, I'm sorry" Dahyun's pout her lips out and shake Mina's shirt back and forth. "Aww Dahyun ah, it's okay, your laugh worth it" Mina cooed at Dahyun's cuteness and hug her tightly.

"Unnie, I wanna try the the kimchi soup at newly opened shop near our work company." Dahyun's whiney voice got Mina weak and she can't say no at all.

"How do you feel about it?" Mina asked Dahyun after she fed her a spoonful of the soup. "Hmm.. add a little spicy sauce, unnie" Dahyun's fingers did the up and down thingy acting as if she's a food reviewer.

Mina add the spice into the soup and fed Dahyun again. "This is much better-" before Dahyun can finish her sentence, she choked again with the strong aroma of spice. Mina can't help but laughed loudly at it.

Looking at them being together is like watching a sweet kdrama. Everyone are in awe at how they managed to he so sweet.

Mina got Dahyun a cup of choco after they devoured a bug pot of soup together. Dahyun feels warm gripping on her and the heart is full of love just like her stomach that full of foods which Mina is the one to fed them.

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