Extra chapter- (M)

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Christmas is a big event day where everyone will celebrate and it's the month that everyone want to experience first snow of the year together with their partner just like the curtain obvious couple of our chapter.

Sana could be seen sitting on a short chair and both her hands holding the long stick with a big marshmallow on top.

" what is taking her so long.." with her sulky voice, she's referring to Dahyun. The pale girl is inside their hours getting their foods.

Sana's cheeks puff out for second time seeing her marshmallow got burnt again tonight. Sana knows she's not good when it come to this type of things but she didn't expect herself to be this bad at all.

" You suppose to pay attention to it because it get burn easily, honey." A gentle voice came behind Sana making her ears perk up recognizing the owner of the voice. The love of her life's voice.

" But babyyy I'm so bad at this thing." With a tired sigh, Sana dropped her stick on its place and grabbed Dahyun's hips making the small girl sit on her laps sideway.

" How am I suppose to make chocolate if I sit like this?" Dahyun mumbled out then let her fingers run through Sana's scalp massaging it.

Has Sana ever told Dahyun this? Dahyun seems to get more pretty and attractive after Sharto turned 2 years old. Sana is going crazy over Dahyun everyday and her pleasant smell still remains on her after years of married.

" Hmm..I hope Sharto is doing fine at the in law's house. My dad said to hurry and get Sharto to him. Our child is busy more than us." Dahyun giggled at Sana's comment. Well, Dahyun can't deny that. Their child is their source of happiness and Sharto's grandparents loves him so much.

" At least he is having fun with traveling." Dahyun pecked Sana's cheek before get off Sana's laps to sit on her own cozy chair in front of their bonfire.

With her slender and long fingers, Dahyun is swirling her spoon's coffee inside the cute purple mug then handed it to Sana who beamed at her.

" Thank you honey, you don't know how much I've missed the drinks made by you. I hope Christmas last longer so I could spend my time with you more longerrr than ever." Sana took a sip of the chocolate drink smiling to herself.

Dahyun playfully rolled her eyes at her, " I know what you mean with that, Sana."

" Oh really?" Sana giggled softly as she stand up then took Dahyun's arm making the girl surprised.

The soft classical music, Sway by Michael Bublé. The two women are dancing softly to rhyme of the song still with the smiles on both of their faces. Dahyun is feeling like she just fall in love again with the way Sana looks at her and everything.

All the memories flashing back on her brain. The sweet Sana, the pervert Sana, the everything Sana. Sana.

Sana's gentle eyes looking deeply into hers making her lost in their own pink world. A pair of soft lips pressed into Dahyun's making her melt into Sana.

They kissed until a lack of air pull them back but the smile still remained there.

" I love you so much."

The first snow of the year starting to drop down after Dahyun said the most beautiful word out of throat.


" Ahh..Sana..we supposed to enjoy the snow.." The pale girl trembled under the watchful gaze of Sana eyeing her like a prey while her hands are like a snack sneaking inside Dahyun's skirt.

"You are as pretty as the snow, I will enjoy you." Sana's ghostly voice whispering tenderly inside Dahyun's ears.

Nose noosing inside the hallow of her neck and latch a mouthful on the poor girl's skin, Sana sucked and bit on the sensitive flesh taking everything she could from her wife.

A quiet quivering moan is like a music to Sana's ears, driving her even more crazy. Teeth nibbling and leaving those ant marks everywhere from the the ears to the jaw, from her neck to the collarbone.

Sana's hand carried Dahyun up and made her sit on the table before she open mouth kissed Dahyun hard. Her cold hands came in contact with Dahyun's hot skin.

Everything happened to quickly. Dahyun got too lost until she felt her cotton underwear got pushed to the side. A cold fingers crush ghostly in front of the heating cave forced Dahyun to uttered a loud moan.

"You're so pretty like this baby, you've always been." The tip of Sana's shaft threatening to break through the entrance making Dahyun's legs shook uncontrollably.

"Ah! Sana!" Sana groaned out feeling the hot flesh soaking walls hugging her shaft so well. Sana's in heaven and she got lost in it too.

A quivering sob from Dahyun's lips provoked Sana even more. She tapped on Dahyun's thigh as a signal for her to be ready.

But how could she when Sana is so persistent, buck into her without letting her used to the size and has the audacity to sped up ignoring Dahyun's screams.

"Ah! Ah! Slow..slo-down!" Dahyun's nails digging in Sana's flesh making a burning marks on Sana's back but Sana is too lost to even care about it.

Sana's vein almost pop out, jaw clenching at the feeling of paradise consuming her. Dahyun's eyes rolled to the back of her head when the first orgasm hit her so hard, her world almost disappeared.

But Sana, she's too far from finishing it. Look like the lusting over Dahyun is still lingering inside Sana's head, the hot sensation, the bittersweet taste of pain and pleasure Dahyun endured.

The moment Sana finished with Dahyun is the moment the poor girl has already closed her eyes and those uneven breathing made Sana felt guilty but lusting feeling will always take over.

Take it as an advance gift.

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