Chapter 2

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_ I see your potential Miss Kim. You can now start working as my secretary and don't forget a cup of coffee ready for me every morning at 7 AM.

Sana giving out orders and advices about their office while Dahyun noting everything down in her notebook quickly due to the speed of Sana's talking.

_ I want my coffee hot not cold. I don't want any sugar and make sure to bring me lunch on lunchtime.

Seriously? Dahyun is a secretary not a personal maid, what is this person talking about!

_ I don't like sweet things at all and make sure my foods are warm, not too hot or cold, Miss Kim.
Dahyun secretly roll her eyes at this but Sana still noticed it and she smiled a little.

_ Don't let anyone come in around 3 PM cuz that is my masterbate time. Do you hear me clearly?

EXCUSE ME!! Dahyun wide her eyes at this. She looks at Sana with a shocked face and terrifying expression.

_ That's all you have to know about, now will you please excuse me and we can all start working cause I don't want to waste my time talking.

Dahyun couldn't believe what had just happened on her first day at work at all. Sana will be the dead of her for sure.
Lunch time is near and Dahyun finished her work early so she could prepare the warm meal for her boss.
Her new day at work, the employees are friendly and interactive with her too that maker calm and finally choosing what is suitable for Sana to eat.

Dahyun also get herself a cup of hot choco and making her way back to the office.

*knock knock*

_Can I come in? - Dahyun's gentle
voice ringing through the door, awake Sana from her daze in the middle of the day.

_ Come in - Sana answered

After getting the permission, Dahyun walked in and place Sana's meal carefully on the huge desk.

Dahyun's presence make everything feel so calm yet awaken her desire at the same time.
_ Thank you Miss Kim.

Dahyun just smiled and bowed to Sana but before the Korean could walk out. Sana suddenly asked Dahyun to massage her shoulder for her. Dahyun got taken a back but give up in eventually.

Dahyun's scent make Sana feel so good and wonder what it feel like to sink her teeth in those fragrance skin of hers?

Sana can't stop thinking about Dahyun at all since their first meeting and the ideas of Dahyun in her head is getting to juicy.

How would it feel to have Dahyun on her after a long and tiring day in office? Just the two of them in Sana's office. Dahyun's curve is just too good to just stare at. She got this cup cake ass that would feel too good, the way it would feel oh the way it just-

_Miss Minatozaki!

_ Oh, yes yes?

Sana cursed at herself for being too distracted with her not so holy thoughts. That's so shameful of her, how could she did this in front of her fantasized person.

_ You will have meeting with Hirai Company at 1 AM, Miss.

Sana don't really care about that, Dahyun's touch is too good on her back and she swear she could fuck Dahyun right there on her huge desk.

{Sana's POV}
After the meeting end, everyone exited the room and only me, Dahyun left in the room. Just the two of us.

Dahyun is currently bending to organize the stuffs on table right now while I keep looking at her with this feeling and I can't explain it.

My legs automatically walk towards Dahyun and hug her from behind making her yelp from the sudden contact even it is just clothes.

_ Do you know you're driving me insane with this beauty of yours?

I asked her while my sharp nose traveled along her jawline and nibbling on her ear. 

Dahyun let out a slight moan and it burn me even more. Her skin is just tasty like her smell. She gots this smell, this intoxicating smell. She's so toxic and I like it.

My hands traveled downward slowly into her skirt, exploring her heaven with such tenderness in my palm.

_ Wha-what are you doing..

Her stammering her words with those precious lips turned me on even more.

_ Dahyun ah I can't stop thinking about you. What did you do to me?

I turned Dahyun around and captured her plump lips in full passionate kiss. She tastes so good, if we were to speak in tongues. I might speak a bit too much to her.

I entered her mouth and shit. This is too addictive, I can't stop. I'm drowning with her sweetness. Bitting and sucking and nibbling, I love this girl so much.

Dahyun pushed me away before I could even touch the inside of her cotton pantie.

I looked at her confused but got met with a loud slap from her.

_ what are you thinking you're doing?! I am your secretary not a prostitute.

I sense her anger but before I could explain myself, Dahyun dashed out of the room.

Oh my fucking lord Sana, what have you done? You're such a fucking asshole. Will she leave the job? You're fucked up wrong time Sana. The hardened thing in my pain is not helping too.

P.S: I feel like it's too short.

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