Chapter 10 (M)

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"'re telling me that I should go to apologize to Mina?" Sana's cute face looked at Dahyun in disbelief. She? The one and only Minatozaki Sana go to apologize to Myoui Mina?? The sound of apologize made her disgusted. Dahyun laughed at Sana's face and shoved Sana into her chest. She sigh feeling Sana's warmth. Sana and her are now cuddling in the couch feeling the comfy building up inside them, She opened the topic about Mina and Sana got instantly furious saying Mina stole Dahyun from Sana and the saga go on but Dahyun, one thing for sure, she made up her mind and they are gonna be the parents to this innocent pearl inside her stomach. Maybe fate tied them together with this baby.

Sana's pout lips invisible to Dahyun and those pouty face making Dahyun laughed loudly, She pecked Sana's lips then Sana proceeded to go down and put an ear on Dahyun's stomach.

"Hello my good boy girllll, I am your mama, Minatozaki Sana. I love you mommy so muchhh." Sana said sweetly and rubbed Dahyun's stomach slowly. Dahyun is not even sure if Sana can hear the child. But she smiled at the pleasant sight in front of her.

"Sana! Your hand." Sana and Dahyun are currently in flower shop looking for a good flower and then they can go to Minatozaki's mansion, Sana had host a meeting. But somehow Sana's hand keep going up to her butts and took the opportunity to grab it every minutes she can. Dahyun didn't mind it at first but somehow, she starts to feel shy as every keeps entering the stores one by one, they are waiting for the flowers they ordered.

"But how can I stop when you wear this dress." Sana's small voice mumbled quietly, she put her head on Dahyun's shoulder and back hug Dahyun rocking them both back and forth to the soft melody playing in the background. Dahyun just letting her do whatever she wants as she enjoys Sana being pressed into her.

Finally after waiting for awhile, they got the flower as they wanted. The whole ride to the mansion, Sana keeps practicing her speech for Mina, she feels more safe now when Dahyun keeps helping her bit by bit.

Dahyun on the other hand feeling nervous, her head is thinking left and right. What if Sana's family doesn't like Dahyun and call her a gold dicker for attracting both of their heirs to like her? She's sweating at the back of her head thinking about the possible outcome of Sana's family could degrade her but suddenly a cold hand woke her out of her thoughts and looking at her side, she saw a worried Sana.

"Baby, are you alright?"

"Unnie..what if your family doesn't like me? And what if they won't welcome me thinking this child is a trap for you..?"

Sana's eyes soften at the sight of overthinking Dahyun. She stopped the car a block away from the mansion and took both Dahyun's hands in her hands trying to assure her girl.

"Sweetheart..please don't think like that, my parents loves you very much since I am hard to tame but you baby, you are the sweetest and most perfect girl in this whole wide world, that's why most people attract to you and my job is not to blame you at all..I am here to protect and to keep those bees away from you. They will love you just as much I do, knowing this child, this child is my luck.." Sana kissed Dahyun's forehead tenderly and peck the back of Dahyun's hand, she can imagine that finger in her ring.

Dahyun smiled at her assurance and hug Sana tightly calming her beating heart, it wants to come out and hug Sana too, Sana..Sana is Dahyun's comfort person, Sana's voice is her comfort song, Sana's hug is her home.

Hand in hand, they're walking inside the mansion with pride on their face making the maids and guards inside the huge roof admire them.

Mina saw them walking towards the table, her heart clenched at the sight of her beautiful Dahyun was her girl. She imagined that should be her holding Dahyun's hands not Sana. But in the end, she can't do anything right? Of all the people, why did she has to fall in love with someone that gonna be her biggest sorrow. Dahyun is a dangerous woman with intoxicating tendencies and she attracts and lure people into her trap yet people themselves didn't even know they had fallen.

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