Chapter 7

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The sun raising from the East direction and shine dimly through Sana's big window, thanks to huge curtain cover most of the window's space, Sana and Dahyun can sleep calming in each other's arms.

The birds singing their slow calm melodies on the big rose apple trees standing tall and broadly savoring the sunlight, the Sun is offering them to digest as the good morning breakfast.

The sound of slow water running down on the water fountain, the water fountain contains a status of big tea pot, the water running from the tea pot's mouth, creating a smooth placid atmosphere.

However, Sana woke up early this time. She opened her eyes slowly staring at the empty space of wall in front of her.

"Did I dream again?" She whispered calmly to herself but a movement of someone moved slightly next to her stole her attention away.

Sana is shocked. "Is this a dream?" Sana can't help but let her shaky fingers travel through the air and finally her fingers came into contact with Dahyun's flawless, glowy skin.

She's not dreaming. Everything was real. The noodles is real. The kiss is real. The sound of Dahyun calling her name is real.

Her eyes traveled to Dahyun's tempting lips. She did kissed those lips last night. She did touched those curves last night.

The cozy warmth of bed is no match to the warm feeling building up inside her stomach right now.

Sana propped herself on her elbows. Took out the Polaroid camera on her white big lamp desk beside the bed, she captured the most delightful, fascinating in aesthetic alluring way art of the masterpiece on her bed.

Sana is in love. Deeply in love with the woman in front of her. "How ethereal.." Sana softly blurted out her thoughts, uncaring about the environment around her at all, she just wanna stare at Dahyun.

Dahyun's eyes flicker open slightly, not used to the new feeling surrounding her.

"Good morninggg" Sana's voice chirping through her spine, taking a moment to calm herself down. She realized what happened last night. Her cheeks light up the flame making the rosy color stand out.

"You are too loud in the morning.."

Sana laughed at Dahyun's cute reaction. Tucking Dahyun inside her arms. Sana kissed Dahyun's forehead tenderly.

Enjoying the silence of moment for a short briefly, Dahyun started the conversation between them and how Sana talked calmly back to her, assuring her about everything.

"They said that moles is located in the place where our last lifetime partner kissed us the most" Dahyun and her random fact, she's blabbering about this and that but Sana's fingers and thumbs are doing back and forth motion on Dahyun's shoulder, admiring the crimson love mark.

"Is that so? Your last lifetime partner must be me because I love to cherish every itch of your skin"

Sana noticed the many moles on Dahyun's glowing skin. She leaned to kissed Dahyun's upper breast slowly making Dahyun gripped her shoulder out of the sensitive feeling from last night.

"That's enoughhh! Unnie you kissed too much already from last night"

But Sana is not having any of it as she keeps pressing her lips tenderly on Dahyun's skin that is as soft as silk, as gentle as water and as fragrant as the chocolate.

Mina woke up with her head on the table. She cursed under her breathe, looking at the pile of papers and documents laying on her desk.

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