Chapter 4

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Sana has been thinking about the dinner for quite awhile now before she decided to open her phone and text Dahyun.

Minatozaki Sana: What do you think about the dinner?
Her heart start to beat again and waiting anxiously for Dahyun's text but she just seen it. Is she ghosting ?

Her heart ache at the feeling of being seen and ignored. No one has ever ignored her and left her on seen like that. This is the first time ever that Sana try to chase a girl and it doesn't sound well too.

Sana walked towards her bathroom and clean herself up, then put on a neat button up long sleeve baby blue shirt and a loosen khaki pant, she didn't forgot to bring extra denim jacket with her, she jogging toward her car and jumped over the open roof.

Sana set off quickly out of the garage, pulled out one cigarette from the package, she enjoyed the night car drive along way toward Dahyun's house.

{ Sana's POV}
What I'm doing is so risky but my heart can't take it anymore. I will have to fly to Paris for business meeting tomorrow and if I won't be able to see Dahyun tonight, I might not make it out alive at all.

Walking towards her on the floor of the apartment, I feel clueless and I don't know where to find her.

I saw a blond girl walked out of the elevator and I can't help it but walked toward her.

"I'm sorry Miss, but do you know someone name Kim Dahyun? I'm her friend and I can't find her anywhere here." What a good excuse, Sana. She probably thought of you as a creep.

"Oh. She lives in room 69". I smiled and thanks her for the answer.

My head is ringing left and right with Dahyun's name. I'm nervous and my heart can't stand the thought of not able to meet her tonight. I have to do anything to meet her.

My hands shaking when I reached to ring the doorbell. After some minutes, I heard a footsteps coming closer, my heart beating so fast and loud, I can feel it in both my ears.

And when the door slowly opening, revealing the woman in my dream dress in her casual clothes but she looks so comfy and attractive, I want to hug her.

"Boss? What are you doing here?"

Dahyun sounds so gentle, I'm so in love.

"I wanted to ask about the dinner and what is your answer.." My voice trailed off and I can't help but getting shy all of a sudden. She's not answering and seem like she's in deep thought about it.

"Wait out here." Dahyun closed the door, left me alone by myself. After like 30 minutes, she opened the door again looking like a real goddess in front of me. She wore the baby blue dress above her knees and a purse in her hand. I reach my arm to her proudly with a smile, I don't know I've been wearing.

The car ride to the restaurant is so quiet and I can't stop looking at her at all. "Focus on the road, Sana unnie." Dahyun turned her face to the window, cute.

"Dahyun..can I?" I asked her quietly, she turned her face back looking at me confused. I placed my hand on her thigh and I'm sure I can a quiet gasp left her lips.

"What are you thinking you're doing?" Dahyun asked me in playful tone and I swear I can feel my heart almost exploding trying to processing everything that's happening.

Walking inside the restaurant with her hand in my hand, I hurried to push the chair for her. "Thank you." I would do more than this, Mon Chéri.

A waiter came and handed the menu to her, I don't mind the surrounding at all, all I want to do is stare at this beauty till I could draw her without even looking.

"What do you want to eat?" Dahyun asked. I smiled widely at this question.
"I will eat whatever you order, my lady." I saw Dahyun's cheeks tinted pink after this, I feel a whole zoo in my stomach. Lord, I love this woman so damn much, I'm falling hard everyday passing by.

The dinner went by quickly and smoothly, this is the best night of my life and I would never forget about this.

"Why are you doing this?" Dahyun asked me as her looks straight into mine creating our own universe.

"I really wanna know more about you, Dahyun. I looked like a damn creep pervert on our first day but Dahyun, trust me in this please, I really love you and I wanna court you, Dahyun. Please, give me a chance?" I look at my feet out of nervous.

"Do whatever you want, Sana." Dahyun told me softly. Part of me happy but confused, do whatever I want? I don't know if this is a good sign or not but I will definitely do it.


I took Dahyun to my favorite place. My favorite River that reflects the Moonlight so well. Dahyun looks so amazed by the beauty but all I could see is Her. Her sharp nose, eyes and those smile will forever remain in her heart.

I saw her a little trembling from the cold.

I grabbed my denim jacket and placed it on her shoulder, she looked shocked at first but eventually thanks me and grabbed my cold hand in her warm small hands.

The music is playing quietly in the background as the wave of water dancing slowly to the beat of our heartbeat.

The fireflies in the background creat the little light for us, I looked at her lips and eventually gave in to the sensation of my feeling that burning up inside me.

Dahyun closed her eyes and finally our lips touched again, this time with the warm of love lingering us. I carefully stroked her cheeks with my thumb slowly, scared that I might hurt her. She's so precious to be treat harshly in this world.

My heart beat so fast yet again, She's the only woman I need.

Kissing under the moonlight.


Note: I love Lana Del Rey

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