Chapter 3

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{ Dahyun's POV}
_ was first day at work? -
Nayeon faced me with her body upside down on my bed when I opened the door to my bedroom and I'm not even surprised with her presence on my bed anymore since it's her thing to do when she misses me.

_Hmm..good, I guess.- I paused for a moment before continuing to talk -
_ Something happened in meeting room but I don't wanna talk about it at all, Nayeonie. - I dropped my bag down on the floor near my bed and climbed up to hug her for comfort.

_ It's going to be okay, sweetie. - Nayeon hold me closer and stroke my hair making me feeling sleepy all of a sudden.

Nayeon is the sweetest unnie ever ever . She took care of me after my parents left and I am so grateful to have her by my side. She knows me since highschool. We graduated College together under the same university. Nayeon's parents are rich asf and Nayeon can do whatever she wants. She pays for the rent and apartment too, even though I told her it's 50/50, she wouldn't listen.

Before I could give in into my sleep. My phone ring loudly causing Nayeon to curse under her breathe, I laughed at this.

I grabbed my phone from the bag and look at the number that's calling. Unknown?

Unknown: This is your boss.
Kim Dahyun: What do you want?
Unknown: Can we talk?
Kim Dahyun: About what?
Unknown: I'm outside.

Wait what? How could she finds my address? I hurried out of the bed, ignoring Nayeon's question. I saw someone standing leaning on the car and for sure, it's Sana.

For the first time ever, I could feel my heart beat again after so many years. I wouldn't say no if someone would as me the question "Is Sana attractive to you" . She's everything a person could ask for. Rich, handsomely pretty and she have everything in her hands too. Our first accouter this morning made me feel attracted and butterflies but I wouldn't say I like how she just almost raped me in that fucking meeting room.

_ What do you wanna talk about? - I asked her immediately. Because after all who would talk nicely to someone that is as pervert as her boss?

_ Dahyun..I'm so sorry for losing control over you this afternoon. Can you please forgive me ? - Sana looked straight into my eyes and I could feel those warm gaze of her lingering on my face. My mother always warned me about drug dealer and people on the street but she never warn me about a 1.64 tall woman in suit with alluring light brown eyes.

_How did you find my address?

_ I was about to ask you to take you home but you were too fast and I couldn't catch up so I followed you from behind..- Sana walked towards me and pull a string of my hair behind my ear. Lord please stop this nonsense. Why does she has to create this sensual feeling between us when we just met ?

_ Thank you for your concern, Sana. I forgave you for what happened and please don't break the boundaries between us again. - I respectfully walk away from her and bow down then make my way to my apartment. I can't stand her affection at all, why does she have to make my heart beat like this? She's someone, I know I will never have a chance with.

{ Sana's POV}
A hot plump lips grazing on the skin of my neck while her hands placed on my shoulders as I touched her from her cheeks to downward.

She smells so amazing and I lost myself to her. My hands squeezed her soft breast. I feel like exploding already with this heat from our body mixing together and lord she feels so good in my arms.

I placed my lips in her and explored her heaven by nibbling and sucking, making sure I can get everything I could from her. Her taste is tattooed on my mind. I pulled her roughly to me creating the skin contact, I never know, I would want it on me forever.

_ Dahyun ah

I moaned out her name and captured her lips once again. Fuck. She taste so good.

_ Wake up Sannie - Dahyun whispered this to me and I got confused? What is she saying?

_ It's 8 AM, Sana unnie.

My eyes opened wide at this and everything that's happening got cleared out from my face replaced with the white wall of my bedroom.

I dreamed about her?!? Am i this desperate?

I got out of bed and head toward the bathroom. The aching pain between my legs make me wanna end myself.

My boday soak with sweats and headache. If this continues to happen, I will not stand it anymore .

I like Dahyun and I admit that it's part of my sexual awakening but my heart is pure too. I would win her heart and treat her the best I could.
{ Dahyun's POV}
The morning work well as usual with Sana being late to work and the awkward secretary side eye her secretly as a sign of judging her.

Dahyun was grabbing a cup of coffee and a cup of choco when someone dressed in blue long sleeve shirt tuck in gray trouser walk near me grabbing my attention.

_ Good morning secretary Kim.

I looked at my side and see that it is Myoui Mina, our Office Manager. She's a charming one. She gots this gummy smile but cold aura look. She's so cool to me and having conversation with her would one of the flex in this company consider she doesn't talk much to anyone.

_ Good morning Miss Myoui. You seem to be in a good mood today.

_ How can I not when I finally catch up with our secretary? It's my pleasure to see you first early in the morning.

Mina faced me and took my hand that placed on the counter and what she did next make me go cloud nine. She pecked the back of my hand and smiled gently at me.

_ You are so fresh in the morning Miss Kim. I hope we can have lunch together today.

Mina grabbed her coffee and walked away leaving me breathless on the spot.

Is she joking? Are all Japanese women are affectionate like that?

I'm walking back to my office with two cups in my hands. Sana is sitting while checking the documents on the table. Attractive.

I placed the coffee on the table and she only said thank you to me, that's weird. Why is she so distant from me? Maybe I was harsh on her yesterday? No she deserves it.

I retreat myself back from her desk and-

_ Dahyun.

Her voice made me turned my heel, looking back at her with curious face.

_ I would like to invite you for dinner tonight. - Sana loosen her tie and took off her glasses.

I looked at her surprised and shocked.

_ Pardon me?- there a moment of silence before I continues.
_ I will think about it, boss.

I walked out of the office and let out a breathe I don't know I've been holding.

Minatozaki Sana, the woman you are.

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