Chapter 9

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The new morning began but Sana is still laying hopelessly on the donk with her shirt soak with alcohol and the cigarette butts laying around everywhere, the bottles of wines scattered everywhere. She don't cares about the odd looks she got from people passing by there at all, all she wants is someone to save her out of this abyss and heal her, the only person she wants is Dahyun.

Her dazing eyes looking tiredly at the sky above her head, she haven't sleep all night long, but she smiled slowly looking at the moon changing its shiny appearance into a ball of bright sun.

Suddenly she felt a small arms lift her head up and she felt a soft pillow or rather a soft flesh and warm of someone so familiar and so dear to her, those pleasant jasmine smells enter her nostrils making her feeling calm and those smell put her head at ease, the hurting heart feeling calm.

Sana can't believe what happened right now, is she dead? but again those small fingers rubbing her cheeks so gently, she almost fall asleep in an instant. "It is bad to sleep in public place." Dahyun said to Sana while her hand stroking Sana's hairs. The younger girl felt so broken when she saw Sana's state like this, all broken and laying helplessly in where everyone can see her or they can even captured her image and post it everywhere, what is Sana thinking?

Sana got up quickly, rubbing her eyes at the comfort girl in front of her, this can't be one of her fantasy dream, can it? "Dahyun this really you? Please don't wake me up if this is a dream please.." Sana tears up again, her brown eyes building up those sea water inside her beautiful eyes. Sana grabbed Dahyun her waist and slammed their bodies together, hugging Dahyun so tight, Dahyun can't breathe. Sana started to sob again, her shoulders shaking. She took Dahyun's small face inside her hand. "I miss you so much Dahyun..w-will you gonna leave me? Are you going to take Mina's side and left me all alone here? I miss you so much Dahyun ah, you don't know how much I love you, do you?" Sana's sobs could be heard by Dahyun as the girl's eyes began to soften at the sight of Sana, she never knew could happen.

" Can you see my love for you? Dahyun ah answer me! Will you gonna go and take Mina's side like everyone do?" Sana choking on her tears looking into Dahyun eyes then her head came into contact with Dahyun's shoulders, her sobs getting louder and louder every minutes pass by. Dahyun arms rubbing her back softly, She will let Sana pour it all out on her and she gonna stay under Sana's rain, storm or sun. She had chosen Sana, she gonna be here.

"Dahyun please stop liking Mina, stop go to her, please stay with me please I love you so much and I only want you in my life, I don't want nobody else Dahyunie please" Sana is shaking while begging with teary face and those red eyes really is breaking dahyun to pieces.

Dahyun put her head on Sana's head and whisper softly to calm Sana down.
"I choose you, please don't cry anymore. I choose you."

Sana woke up seeing the surroundings of her room. She puts her hand on her head, the mild headache is killing her right now, everything must be a dream.

Her eyes dart to the art on the wall in front of her bed, she looks at the blurry picture of a girl, the back is exposed and the messy hair scattered around creating an euphoria view to the person staring at it. A skin that is as white as powder and those shade of sweat the artist added on the skin.
Dahyun is an art herself and Sana is that artist, she loves this painting with all her heart. Putting in on her wall, so that she woke up and seeing those beautiful scenarios before anything else.

The smells of coffee grinding made Sana's head turn so fast, she almost snap her neck in half. "Who is in my house?.." Sana mumbled to herself and proceeded to propped herself up then make her way to the kitchen still with her puffy eyes and drolly lips. She noticed that her house has been tidy up and her cans of beers are nowhere to be found. Sana let the good smells taking her to the kitchen, she just noticed, her clothes has changed from the gross shirt to this soft baggy shirt.

But Sana almost have a heart attack at the view of Dahyun's back facing her, the smell of good soup is boiling in the pot while the coffee still grinding.
Dahyun seems to noticed her presence.

"Had a good sleep?" Dahyun's soft voice rang out, speechless Sana still looking at the good view in front of her. Dahyun wore her thin sleeve shirt, that make the inside blurry and those thighs keep telling her to come close, she almost got the nose bleed from this. Her little friend woke up instantly too.

"Dahyun? What had just happened? Are all those are real? You choose me?" Sana walked slowly towards Dahyun, still can't believe her eyes.

"Yes unnie..I've made up my mind" Dahyun said quietly even though her tone seem to hesitated but Sana will take it.

She's happy, she ran to hug Dahyun, shoving the smaller girl into her, making their body collide with each other almost share their skin together.

Dahyun is happy..she really made the right choice. She chose Sana and she will go with everything on its own flow.

"I have something to tell you, unnie. Please be ready for this." Dahyun hesitantly put her arms on Sana's shoulders. San nodded her head at this uncaring of anything, if Dahyun tell her to listen then she sat.

"You will be the mother of my child.."

Sana is speechless for a second but she instantly happy and hug Dahyun again kissing those dreamy lips. She is going to be a mother and she is ready to take care of Dahyun, show her how deeply she loves Dahyun and how deep she can hill inside her too.


Gyaddd it is now 3 am and I just finished this chapter ✨ as much as I wanna close my eyes and sleep but I gotta update tonight too, and from now on if I can't update anything, I will announce it in the messages thing in pfp. Good night guys (I need to wake up at 6 too)

And I wanna recommend. My Love Mine all mine by Mitski

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