Chapter 8

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The news of Mina got beaten by Sana has spreading everywhere in their families from Japan to Korea.

Sana's parents seem to be disappointed in her but they understand why Sana, they always do.

Dahyun haven't reply to her and has been absent in work for a day and half now, Sana is stressing in her armchair trying to contact Dahyun.

Nayeon or what they called wouldn't let Sana come near their apartment as a protection for Dahyun.

She's hurt, because after all, they are nothing. Friends? Friends don't do this to each other at all. Girlfriends? Dahyun didn't even answer her proposal. She took out a box of dark red color, opened the lid to see a shiny diamond ring shining inside it.

She thought everything gonna work out. She thought Dahyun and her will work out and have a good life together. She thought it's going good.

She hate Mina, with all her might. She doesn't like her cousin at all, not even one bit. Mina always in everything she do, for god sack, she just wanna shine alone but why Mina gotta be there and ruined everything around her?

But a part of her is also guilty, she just hit and overflow their blood together, their blood, their related bloods.

Mina is probably in the hospital, smiling when she knows what situation she puts Sana in. Sana hates that idea, she never thinks good of Mina, she admits. That doesn't change anything, she still hates the girl.

"Good afternoon Minaa"

Dahyun's voice ringing through the cold white room. Mina's eyes look up to Dahyun's angelic face.

She can't help but smile yet the smile could only be a little because her jaw aching as hell, she wonders what Sana eats everyday to have that kind of stamina to hit her jaw.

But one thing she realized is, Sana is after Dahyun too. They are finally compete again after years. Mina admired Dahyun's features and those smell that tends to put her into deep sleep.

Dahyun is visiting Mina everyday to check on her even though Mina told her not to but this pale girl still insists.

"Dahyunie..thank you so much for visiting me everyday. I'm grateful for that." Mina meant it, she is truly a light in Mina's dark world but too bad, she can't have her by herself, she has a competitor.

"Oh no unnie, don't say that. You are always by myself, it is time to repay your kindness." Dahyun gave Mina a tight lips smile and start to feed Mina as usual. She had something in mind and she already made up her mind about it. She is grateful for having Mina by her side but she can't keeps on hurting the older girl at all.

"Unnie..let's end whatever is happening between us.." Dahyun is not surprised to see the reaction that Mina is having right now. She is hurt too and they can't stay like this forever.

Mina's heart dropped the moment she heard this from Dahyun, really? She loves this girl so much and she thought she can change the view of Dahyun to Sana. Is she not enough? Are they not meant to be? She is hurted. She feels like she got hit by a trunk and got ruined over again and again.

"you gonna get discharge tomorrow, I can't accompany you out at all. I have something to do." Mina nodded her head at Dahyun. She is too hurt to utter a single word. Part of her wanting to beg Dahyun to stay, they can start together and forget Sana but Dahyun had taught her what love is and what is like to to be loved by someone dear to you even it just a moment of eyes contact.

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