Chapter 11

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*A year later*
  Yeah you heard this right..a year has passed and the couple held their wedding dream on the beach just like how they it with the support of the families and friends. Sweet and funny moments in every corner of the wedding, even Nayeon blew the bubble in her nose trying not to cry but she can't hide it, her Dahyun got married and will have a baby inside those womb too.

Dahyun delivered a healthy baby boy under the name Minatozaki Sharto Junes. The baby is everything to Sana, she went through so hard to fought the dead-alive situation to deliver him out. Sana can't help but got that deep emotional when she finally get to hold the baby's hands inside her arm. Tears flowing out of those beautiful brown eyes once again but this time it is happiness.

The sound of tired snoring came from the couch in the living room, on her chest, there is a small little human sleeping on her, and they both look so much like each other right now. Sharto got that nose and jawline from Sana and those eyes from Dahyun, they both are proud of it so much.

"I'm homee"

Dahyun's voice echoed through the hallway of their house but the silence responded confuse her so much, she walked further into the kitchen. And got all the heavy groceries back on the counter, she might need Sana's help for this.

Dahyun walked toward the living and her face got greet with a sight of Sana and their child sleeping together soundly on the couch. Dahyun took out the camera and captured those cute little moment of her beloved.

Dahyun went back into the kitchen and finally she starts to cook for their baby and their meal also. Dahyun humming to the sound of the background music playing around, suddenly a warmth hands hold her waist and back hugging her from behind kissing her neck slowly.

"Why didn't you ask me to help with the groceries bags, baby?"

"I saw you sleeping with our baby, I don't wanna disturb you at all."

"I'm such a bad wife to let you carried all those alone baby."

Dahyun turned around then tiptoe to kiss Sana on her lips to sooth those whiny voice of hers. Sana let her younger girl kissed her with those lack technique of kiss but she put her hand at the back of Dahyun's head and depend the kiss into those long deep passionate kiss, Sana's hand creep its way into Dahyun's dress but stop midway when a cute cry came out from the living room, sana graoned at the cut of tension. She walked in the living room to see Sharto crying on the couch with his cute fluffy panda baby clothes.

"Come here Shartooo, you must be hungry right?"

Sana put Sharto on her chest then she rock them both back and forth making their way into the kitchen, Dahyun has set the foods ready for them and Sharto is happy for his daily milks. They enjoy their meals together happily, Sana feels so warm in their home, her dreams get to come true and all she need to do is keeping her little family safe and warm no matter what happened. After their good meal, Dahyun took her turn to lure Sharto to sleep while Sana is on the balcony admiring the stars that shine in the sky dreaminly. They had come this far from the moment they met and those memories together, the good or bad things that had happened between them. She laughed when she remember how she used to sleep on the donk and the way she almost kill herself with the alcohol.

"What are you doing?" Dahyun's voice chimed out behind her then a small hands hold her close, Sana smiled when she smell the same scent she loves since year ago. Sana hummed a flirty tone for seconds then answer back. "I am trying to look for Dahyun but no stars could shine as brightly as you." Dahyun laughed and hit Sana's shoulder lightly. The flirty Sana never changed and it is so cute of her, Dahyun loves those small flirts that Sana do no matter where they are or what they do, Sana never fail to put smile on her face.

They hugged each other for so long time talking about this and that, just those little talks is like a date for Dahyun already, the small smile and admire eyes lingerd on each other, the wind hit them genlty as a music for their vibe, Sana rock them both back and forth.

Together they are the happiest.


Thank you to everyone who has been with me through this fanfic under the name Lusting Over You, its talking about the attraction of a tough woman toward the other one, love so smiiten that the tough one's world could collapse without the presence of her beloved one.


storyline owner- My friend

I am tough that you guys still here with us dispit the bad or choppy writing skill and I had learned a lot through this journey, I will finally announce that this fanfic has came to an end.

I am so thankful that you guys are here supporting me, I will take my time and learn how to write more and the possibility of publish another book is high but for now, I am the one writing this right now will be busy for the meant time.

Thank you so much guys, see you when I see you!

Lusting over you- Saida Where stories live. Discover now