Chapter 5

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Since the dinner night happened, the interaction between Sana and Dahyun is now more comfortable and comfy. But unfortunately, Sana has to go to Paris for her business trip.

Dahyun feels alone today in the office, everything awfully quiet inside there. It's now lunchtime yet Dahyun doesn't have appetite to eat anything at all. Her attention shifts to the hot choco on her table when she came from the restroom.

"I don't remember getting one earlier" she muttered to herself. She walked to her desk and picked up the note beside the cup.

Please don't overwork yourself, princess. - Myoui

Dahyun's eyes soften at this. She picks up her choco and taste the sweetness of it getting as much energy she wants.


Sana on the other hand is recording herself walking in Paris smiling at all happy holding her phone.

She sent bunch of her videos to Dahyun and finally she's looking for some nice gifts the Korean girl.
Sana knows Dahyun's favorite thing is chocolate.

She spotted a chocolate store that took her attention, when she entered the store, a bell ring not so loud and enough for everyone to feel her presence. The smell of chocolate aroma steaming all over the place, making her feels warm and and welcome in the store.

"Bonjour mon ami ( Hello, my friend)" Sana spoke to the man on the counter that looks old and probably should be in his retirement already.

She asked for the best chocolate in store, wrapped it in the most classy way as possible. Sana wrote a paper of note and tucked it near the chocolate box.

She smiled as she imagine what would be Dahyun's reaction when she opened it, Sana's heart fill with joy and her heart start to beat uncontrollably at the thought of Dahyun.

Sana walks out of the store and catch up with her best friend Hirai Momo waiting for her in front of the store.

"I don't know you could be weak for her, Sana" Momo laughed at the redness of Sana's cheeks visible. They're walking on the street, the night is getting dark, the cold starting to illuminating the beautiful city of Paris.

So many horses carriages traveling on the streets, Sana enjoying the view in front of her and smoke leaving her lips as she talks to Momo about Dahyun and how Dahyun makes Sana feels warm when they're with each other. Sana's eyes glistening with excitement when she saw the Eiffel Tower's light getting brighter and brighter.

Dahyun is talking with Nayeon about how they should hang out on Sunday when her phone buzzing on the sofa.

"One minute, Nayeonie." Dahyun shushed the older girl and grabbed her phone .

Minatozaki Sana: Hello, sweetness.

Minatozaki Sana: I miss you so much, I can't wait to see you

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Minatozaki Sana: I miss you so much, I can't wait to see you.
Kim Dahyun: Enjoy yourself there and focus, Sana unnie. I miss you more.
Minatozaki Sana: Thank you my lady. Have a good night sleep tonight.

Dahyun smiled at Sana's texts. Dahyun realized how good and sweet Sana can be. Those kiss, the communication, and act of service is on top.

But one thing that makes Dahyun been off lately is Myoui Mina.

Mina has been sweet to her in office and Dahyun can't help but get flutter by this too, she felt wrong for how she feels but she can't help it. Minatozaki Sana might be the most caring but Myoui Mina's flirts is top tire in this situation.

She gave Mina her phone number and they've been texting lately at night after work. Mina is a decent person, she's classy and elegant with the way she style herself. Mina knows how to get Dahyun to talk more to her even though she's not the type to text someone first.

But Sana is currently doing her action in getting her, how should Dahyun's feels about this?

Minatozaki's Mansion

A sigh leaving a woman's lips, she's in her late 60's, the white scalp of her hair is now visible clearly to everyone.

Ms.Minatozaki is currently thinking about how would it feel like to have kids running around in her place noisily.

She's getting older and older as time passes by along with her husband. They're sitting on the bed side by side enjoying each other's warm presence.

"Honey, Sana been talking about this girl name Kim Dahyun. Should we take action on them? I want my grandchildren already." She whispered to her husband and saw him turning his head to his wife.

"Honey, I trust you in everything you do but we don't have to rush them yet, knowing Sana, this kid wouldn't let us decide things in her life." He reassured his wife and reached to hold her hand tightly.

"I'm sure Sana wouldn't let us wait any longer too. Let's get enough sleep for tomorrow, honey." He tucked his wife into blanket and hugs her, kissing her forehead appreciably.
A slow moan escaped Sana's lips and hands gripping the sheets tightly.

Sana's shoulders shuddered slightly and sweats forming on her forehead like a rain storming on her.

Sana murmuring Dahyun's name nonstop, eyes closing tightly at the slow sensation she feels right now.

Sana can hardly think nor breathe at all as her dream keeps getting clearer and clearer, enjoying the feeling she feels throughout this dreamy dream.

It's then she strikes, she cum so hard, her world almost disappeared from her vision.

"Fuck..." Sana pants and pressing her face hardly into the soft cold pillows.
She opened her eyes slightly, seeing the dark surrounding and the dim light from the big windows.

She has been dreaming about Dahyun nonstop. Ignoring the wet sticky feeling on her pant. Sana turned her face to window seeing the little light of those vehicles go back and forth busily.

Sana gave a big sigh through her mouth. She hopes, hopes that Dahyun would give her a chance.

Sana wants to get married and have kids for her parents, she doesn't want to end up having a heart break over a girl too. Sana's cold eyes soften at the feeling of not able to hold Dahyun close to her heart.

A single tears fall down her cheeks at the feeling. She stares at the enormous glass window ignoring her tears.

She took out her phone and saw the newest text from Son Chaeyoung aka her longtime assistant in office. She swiped the screen and her breathe hitched at the photo of Mina and Dahyun eating together on the same table, smiling happily from ears to ears. Another picture with Mina holding her Dahyun's jacket and Mina's hand midway reached out to Dahyun's.

Her eyes darken at this, her hands gripping her phone shakily.

"Looking like I have a competitor."


Note: I don't know how to feel as the story goes by, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter..I feel like it's too short and choppy (~_~;)

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