2: Can't sleep

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Lily Evan's POV:

Gosh darn, I suddenly woke up while it was still in the middle of the night.

Who woke me up!?

Well who knows, and that's what frustrates me the most. I suddenly jolted awake for no apparent reason, not even a nightmare for an excuse.

Tomorrow will be the start of my seventh year and I can't afford to be passing out on my desk while the professor is talking.

I tried to close my eyes, close off my mind so I can go back to sleep.

I tossed and turned not knowing why I can't fall asleep.

Frustrated I sat up and grumbled. Scratching my head in annoyance and went out of my room.

Might as well get a glass of drink or snacks to pass time. My stomach is currently crying from hunger.

As I walked out, my eyes fell to the side of the dorm where the boys slept in. I rolled my eyes just thinking about meeting that bully toe-rag again tomorrow.

I grumbled as I headed downstairs trying not to roll down the stairs because my eyes are blurry and still waking up.

"Why are you out of bed my dear!?"

A shout from somewhere suddenly made me jump and I almost fell down.

I shrank in fear thinking it was wrong of me to wake up.

As I looked around guessing who shouted that, I then heard murmurs from outside.

I pressed my ear at the entrance door of the common room and guessed that it was the Fat Lady who shouted.

".... Unless you say the right password"

Was what I heard and it finally sinked in that someone is trying to get in.

I frowned at the thought of an intruder and as a Head girl of the Gryffindor house, I just have to do something.

"What's with the commotion?"

I opened the door readying myself to pounce at anyone outside when a kid came to my view.

I stared at him feeling dumbfounded that my annoyance and vigilance flew away.

There in front of me was a cute baby with beautiful green eyes looking up at me with fear of being scolded showing in his eyes.

"Excuse me. What's going on?"

I asked looking at the kid and the Fat Lady in the painting.

The Lady snorted and grinned.

"Well well, this boy here is out of bed when it's already past his curfew. As the Guardian of the Gryffindor tower, I the Fat Lady won't let him in unless he says the password. Besides this is the first time that I've seen him. Do YOU know him?"

The Fat Lady asked while raising her eyebrow.

I was about to shake my head and say no as well but looking down at the kid and seeing how lost and confused he was, I decided that I'll bring him in instead.

"Hello kid, wanna come in?"

I asked, the kid smiled feeling sorry and thankful while I smiled back.

I urged him to come in while he reluctantly followed and stared warily at the Lady.

"I'll handle this Lady. Please don't worry"

I said reassuring both her and the kid.

"If you say so"

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