14: A dream

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Harry Potter's POV:

It has been a few days since the deal with Willard started and he has been getting information about muggles from me in exchange for doing my assignments.

It was a fun time that I don't have to get stressed out for my assignments.

Lily knows about the deal and had already scold me for it but thankfully Prongsie took my side and calmed her down.

I thought it was a usual day like always, but I was surprised to learn that today is Jacob's birthday and they invited me to sit in the Hufflepuff table.

An owl specifically dropped his birthday gifts coming from his family.

Jacob rolled his eyes in annoyance while opening the gifts.

"Ugh, I knew it. It is the color red again... which is not even my favorite color"

He sighed while looking at his newly given scarf in Gryffindor themed color.

"Well why don't you open the rest maybe they're different"

Willard urged him so he agreed and lifelessly opened the gifts.

"It's.... a pen"

Jacob mumbled in disappointment while looking at the pen. He shook his head in realization that he's acting spoiled, so he smiled in acceptance.

"Look there's a letter"

I said and pointed at the letter inside the torn wrapper.


Jacob brightened and opened the letter while Ernie eagerly asked of what it says.

We watched him widen his eyes and staring back at the pen until his hand shook.

"W-What does it say?" Ernie asked.

"It's a portkey. This one is"

Jacob answered still in shock.

"Oh, be careful with accidentally triggering it unknowingly"

Willard said and Jacob nodded with a smile.

"What's a portkey?"

I asked in wonder while the three looked at me in disbelief before Willard answered.

"Portkey is an enchanted object used to send you to specific locations. Wizards use it to easily travel anywhere they wanted"

"Is it like a power to teleport?"

I asked for confirmation.

"Is that a muggle term?"

Willard asked back while I nodded.

"I don't know what teleportation means but I guess yes"

Willard nodded not bothering to think anymore.

We watched as Jacob happily put the portkey inside his robe and opened his four other gifts. Which is another Gryffindor themed objects which made him sigh in defeat.

We laughed at his expression and finished our breakfast.

"Seriously my mom will kill me if I even complain with her gifts. She never really cared about what I wanted for myself. It's always about what she wanted and what she thinks is right for me"

Jacob complained while we headed to our class.

The topic somehow turned into their complaints about their parents and all I could do was simply listen to in silence.

That made me remember why I got send here in the first place.... Which is all because I wanted to see my parents in the mirror before going back to the Dursleys.

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