9: What war?

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Harry Potter's POV:

It was early in the morning when I was woken up by both Lily and Prongsie.

Lily brushed my hair and cast a cleaning spell on me while Prongsie let me borrow a few of his clothes and also helped me put on my robes.

He stated that he shrank the clothes to fit my size so I could wear them comfortably and I was thankful for that.

On our way out we saw Alice, Sasha, Teresa with a few other Gryffindors, eating their own breakfast in the common room.

They smiled when they saw me so I waved my hand to greet them back.

Prongsie, Lily, and I headed in the great hall to eat, which is probably the first time we did since I came here.

I caught sight of the kid from yesterday who was currently glaring at me.

I almost stepped back from his glare when I realized he's full on show and no go so I shrugged my shoulders and continued going to our table.

I finished my meal trying to ignore the Willard kid and soon headed to my class.

I waved my goodbye to Prongsie and Lily before greeting Professor Sprout who's already in the greenhouse.

It was surprising to see that I was the only one here. I used to be late in class and accumulate negative points for my house, so this is new.

"How punctual Harry Potter, 5 points to Gryffindor"

She said looking satisfied.

"Now come here and I'll show you something"

She added and gestured for me to stare at at one of the pots she presented

3rd person's POV:

As the classes started in Hogwarts, most of the hallways and public places are desolate and silent.

That is until an echo of small footsteps came from three sneaky students who chose to skip on their third day to school.

They creep ever so slowly leaving almost no noise behind until they reach their destination near the Gryffindor tower.

"Here we are. Now bottoms up"

A kid by the name Willard said as he and the other two kids clinked their glasses that was filled to the brim with gooey, smelly, and disgusting looking drink by the name of polyjuice potion.


The kid named Digorry almost threw up after a single sip. The smell of the potion like it was made of a cow piss gathered by a dirty rag made him want to faint.

The texture made it even worse as his whole being and body is telling him to spit it all out.

But Digorry continued and drank half the glass of it and endured. He stared at his two other friends who looked disgusted as they also drank half of the potion in the glass.

All of their hands were trembling and eyes frowning while they stared down at the cup they just drank on.

"Don't let go of the cup, we don't want any evidence of us doing this to ruin our plans"

The Willard kid said as he stared at the now two unfamiliar faces in front of him.

The three of them had now changed into the faces of three second years from the Gryffindor house.

"Now, it's time to begin"

Willard grinned, to which the other two kids returned in exchange.

The three headed to the Gryffindor common room and met the Fat Lady.

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