13: Second Monday- 2

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Harry Potter's POV:

After Lily, Prongsie and the others had left, I looked down on my food while blushing all over.

I can hear the trio puffs giggling to themselves and all I could do was glare back at them.

"Wow, they really spoil you rotten. Are you their child or something?"

Willard asked in wonder while looking at me.

"I guess.... Since I came here, it's mostly Prongsie and Lily who have been by my side"

I said and smiled, not really minding the fact of how clingy they are.

"I don't know why they care for me that much, but it's not that I hate it..."

I added almost in a mumble. I looked up only to see Willard smiled back with a knowing look and nodded.

"Anyways we never really knew much about each other. Shall we exchange a few stories to pass time?"

Willard said with a twinkle in his eyes while Jacob sighs.

"Well nothing much to note for me... It's true that I live with muggles..."

I said while thinking hard about what I can and cannot say.

I mean I don't even have a background story that I came up with since Professor Dumbledore seemed okay to introduce me to everyone using my original name.

"Take your time to sort out your thoughts cause I'll tell mine first... Ahemm... Once upon a time... No no not that... Ahem... Sooo... I came from a family of Ravenclaws and I happened to be the only one in my family to have become a Hufflepuff...."

Willard started and breath heavily. His eyes looked a bit hazy as his brows knitted and thinking deeply.

"Is it a hard thing to say?"

I asked worriedly.

"No, not really. I just can't believe that I have to say it again for the second time"

He joked and I laughed at his words before urging him to go on.

"Well, I'm just gonna say that it was kind of cold... No... More like a dull reaction that I became a hufflepuff. They probably already knew that I'll become one since the beginning...
In their eyes I've always been different from the rest of my siblings who could easily do anything flawlessly. They can cast wandless spells in one try, excel in all of our tutoring classes or even cast a combination of charms at once. Compared to them I'm just too slow and dumb. I have to work my butt's off just to stand on their ground. Though every time I thought that I reached them, they would suddenly go up again and leave me behind"

I watched as Willard looked down and fiddled with his hands on the table. He wore a small smile on his face while trying to look like he was fine.

"When I became a Hufflepuff. I really hated it, I hated my house and myself for being a Puff. Throughout my first year I pranked the Hufflepuffs until all of them were scared of me, just because I hated the fact that I'm not a Ravenclaw like everyone else in my family. I've done a bunch of horrible things that annoyed everyone and even made them cry. At that time I was proud of what I've done, after all it was them who put me in their house. It was their fault that I was a Hufflepuff. Well that's what I thought at that time. Soon I went back to my house during Christmas break and was scared to death at the glares of my parents. It was the first time I saw them angry until their nostrils flare from it. Apparently they knew of my pranks at Hogwarts which not even the other house knows about. I don't know how they knew but they sure were disappointed in me. That was the day I realized that they never even looked at me that way throughout my life even though I was lagging behind my siblings. They never treat me like I'm trash for being dumb or for not being Ravenclaw enough. I was the one who put myself in that position and I was the one who judged myself the most. I apologized the whole time I was home and told them that I won't do it again. They happily sent me off and bid me goodbye. When I came back to Hogwarts, I prepared myself to see the hatred of the Hufflepuffs towards me. I've done horrible pranks so of course they should hate me, but to my surprise they only pranked me back by preparing a bunch of frostings to throw at me, they made sure all my beddings and wardrobes were pink and that my meals were jinxed. Although it was a mean thing to do I could see in their eyes that they're laughing at what they did and not because I'm suffering from it. After their revenge on me they simply reminded me of the same consequences happening to me if I prank them again. I was surprised to not get ostracized by my house while these two guys also liked all the pranks I did and wanted to join me. The Hufflepuffs became my second family that day and I grew to like what I am. I did pranks here and there but not almost everyday like before.... That's all... That's my story"

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