8: The Start of War

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Sirius Black's POV:

Another day, another sunny morning for the whole world to bask in my presence.

I stood up and pulled the curtains till the sunlight filled our room. Then I saw Moony and Wormtail still sleeping and trying to hide their faces from the light.

At first I got a little confused why Prongs was already gone leaving his messy bed behind, but then I remembered he has a son!

From Lily at that!

I made a bet for their future wedding while Remus and Wormtail chose the opposite saying it's not going to happen. But guess who earned a lot of money that day?


That's right!

I laughed to myself slapping both of my friends awake before running away.


I heard Moony screaming at me while I ran laughing then tripping down the stairs.


I groaned and caressed my back because of the pain.

"Pfft-- Idiot"

I heard Teresa mumbled while grinning at me.

"It must have been the wind"

I said confidently and stood up as if nothing happened.

"Where's Prongs?"

I asked with a smile while staring at Teresa.

"Prongs? Oh, you mean him. He's with Lily and Harry of course, probably bonding together"

She said with a shrug as if it's a matter of fact.

"Then I'm going to ruin their moment then, see yah!"

I said and waved her goodbye while she rolled her eyes.

All the younger Gryffindors I met on the way backed away from me as if avoiding a plague while I smirked back.

I'm just too popular. Everyone knows me and it feels like a sin.

Well I did prank a few of them last year. Just a few though, I'm not that much of a prankster maniac after all.

I reached the great hall and opened the door widely with both hands.


I shouted loudly earning a glance from all the people that are present here.

Don't we just love the attention?

I bowed my head and thanked everyone for liking my performance while Lily frowned at me.

I headed to the Gryffindors' table and sat beside Harry, squeezing him between me and Prongs.

"Good morning Harry! Lovely morning isn't it?"

I said and greeted the kid.

"Good morning, uh- um"

He mumbled shyly while scratching his head and looking sorry.

"*Gasp* You've already forgotten me? It's Padfoot, Harry. PADFOOT"

I said while holding my chest as if I'm in pain.

Harry stared at me and frowned with confusion.


"Stop being dramatic"

Lily and Prongs growled at the same time so I stopped my act and chuckled.

"Where's everyone?"

I raised both my eyebrows and stared at Lily asking where the rest of her friends are while Prongs squinted his eyes in response.

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