Prologue - Birth of a Dragon

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"In the year 97, Queen Alysanne betrothed her grandson, Prince Daemon, to Lady Rhea Royce who was the heiress to Runestone. Begrudgingly, the young prince (who was then 16), agreed. Rhea herself was only 15. There was no love between the two. Daemon found the Vale boring, his lady wife included. Still, they did their marital duty. Half a year later, in the early months of 98 AC, lady Rhea discovered she was with child. To everyone's surprise, the Prince was delighted. Most delighted of all was the Good Queen Alysanne. Just a year prior, her granddaughter Aemma Arryn delivered a baby girl, Rhaenyra. Another great-grandchild was on the way and it warmed the heart of the Good Queen." 

("Fire & Blood, Being a History of the Targaryen Kings of Westeros" by Archmaester Gyldayn)

In the high mountains of the Vale, in the early hours of the sixth day of the tenth month of 98 AC, Lady Rhea began her labors

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In the high mountains of the Vale, in the early hours of the sixth day of the tenth month of 98 AC, Lady Rhea began her labors. After several discussions, it was decided that she would give birth at Runestone. Lady Rhea wasn't fond of how busy and packed the Red Keep seemed to be. She wanted to give birth in the comfort of her own home. And so she did. 

After many hours, the child was born. It was a girl. A healthy babe, with strong lungs and an even stronger appetite, the girl was named Daena. Some at court speculated that Daemon named the girl after himself, but Rhea claimed that her daughter was named in honor of the late Princess Daella, who was the wife of Lord Rodrick Arryn and the Lady of the Vale. Either way, after the news of Daena's birth reached the Old King and his Good Queen, the bells of the Great Sept in King's Landing rang for an entire day. 

The young lady Rhea adored her daughter. She fed the child at her own breast and refused a wet nurse. As would be expected, the little girl took after her father and had the traditional Valyrian features of House Targaryen. Pale lilac eyes and silver-gold hair. The father, Prince Daemon, was also smitten by his daughter. 

"Ñuha zaldrītsos", the Prince whispered in High Valyrian as he rocked the newborn in his arms.


High Valyrian:

Ñuha zaldrītsos - My little dragon

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