6 - Gone with the wind

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"Not much can be said for the next couple of years. Princess Daena returned to Runestone, while her father mysteriously disappeared and wouldn't be seen in King's Landing or the Vale for quite some time. Occasionally, she would fly on her mighty dragon, Vermithor, high above the Vale, frightening the villagers and the Mountain Clans. The last time a dragon was sighted in the Vale was when the Good Queen Alysanne flew on Silverwing to the Eyrie to visit her daughter, Princess Daella."

(Fire & Blood, Being a History of the Targaryen Kings of Westeros, by Archmaester Gyldayn)


The two following years of Daena's life could be summed up in one word - uneventful. She spent most of her time at Runestone and occasionally traveled to Gulltown and other surrounding towns. She even visited the Eyrie once, when her mother was summoned by Lady Jeyne Arryn. 

Lady Jeyne's father was Queen Aemma's half-brother. The ruling lady of the Eyrie was an interesting character  - she was warm and welcoming toward the young princess, less so toward her dragon. Vermithor, to Daena's surprise, appeared several times in the Vale. 

Daena wasn't quite sure how the dragon knew where she was, but she chalked it up to their special bond. When Lady Jeyne saw the monstrous dragon in her front yard, she looked as if she had seen a ghost. The last time a dragon was in the courtyard of the Eyrie, Queen Sharra Arryn was bending the knee and surrendering the Vale to Queen Visenya.

The other, perhaps more important thing that happened to Daena while she was in the Vale was her first flowering. 

It happened one sunny morning. She had just gotten out of bed, not noticing a couple of red stains on her bedsheets. Still not fully awake, Daena sleepily washed her face and brushed her hair while Amanda made her bed. 

Suddenly, she heard a gasp coming from the other side of the room. She turned her head only to see Amanda holding a bloody sheet in her hands. "Daena...

The young princess looked at the bloody sheet - she knew instantly. She got up from her chair and turned behind - her sleeping gown was also covered in small blood stains. "I think I should tell Mother," Daena said quietly, her mind swirling with thoughts. 

"You will be alright, my dear. This is a sign - you're now a woman grown." Amanda said as she clasped her hands around Daena's shoulders, trying to comfort her young cousin. But Daena knew what this meant - soon she would be married off to some lord to make babies for him and continue his line. 

She looked up at Amanda, who had a genuine smile on her face - Amanda was now 19 years old, and a couple of months ago was betrothed to Ser Jasper Coldwater. Daena didn't know how to respond so she just nodded and repeated her wish to see her mother.

Later that day, her mother explained to her what her "duties" would be once she became a wife. Daena wanted to puke; the thought of a man seeing her naked, touching her body, putting his seed into her womb, carrying a child for nine months, and then pushing it out of her body - she was on the verge of tears by the time her mother finished. 

That night, Daena cried herself to sleep. 


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A couple of months after her first bleeding, it was decided that Daena would be fostered at the Red Keep, as a future lady in waiting for Her Grace, Queen Aemma. Daena wasn't too happy to hear that she would be leaving Runestone and her mother once again.

The only good thing about it was that she would be with her dear cousin, Rhaenyra, once more. She would also be closer to her dragon, Vermithor. Her mother informed her this wasn't her decision and that if it was up to her, Daena would have stayed at Runestone until she turned 16. 

"Sweet girl, you have to understand. This wasn't my decision. It was the King's decision and who am I to disobey His Grace?" Daena's mother told her as she wept in her bed. 

"Promise me you will write letters to me every moon. Promise me." She said through tears. Rhea embraced her daughter and wiped Daena's tear-covered cheeks. 

"Of course I will. Oh, my beautiful girl... You are strong, I know you can do this. Her Grace is a kind woman, she will treat you right." Rhea said to her daughter, who locked herself in her room after hearing her news.

"Yes...Aunt Aemma is a good person. I...I'll just miss you, that's all." Daena confessed. 

Rhea felt her throat tightening as she looked at her daughter's glossy lilac eyes. "I will miss you too, my dear. And remember, Runestone will always be your home.

Her mother then pulled a ring from her hand and handed it to her - it was a simple silver ring with a small red garnet in the middle. 

"Do you know who gave this to me?" She asked Daena. The little girl nodded. 

"Grandmother," Daena answered, the image of her maternal grandmother appearing in her mind. 

"She gave it to me when I had you. I wanted to do the same. I wanted to wait until you were betrothed at least, but I think now is the right time. I want you to remember me when you wear it and how much I love you." Rhea said to her daughter, her usually stoic face now full of emotion. 

"Thank you, Mother. I'll never take it off." Daena said and slipped the ring on her left hand - it fell right to wear it. 


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The next day, Daena was packing up her things with Amanda's help. In actuality, Daena was stalling. She didn't want to go. She didn't want to leave her mother once again. Runestone was her home, not King's Landing. 

High in the mountains of the Vale, the air was fresh and crisp. In the morning, the air would smell of dew and fog. From her room, she could see the Narrow Sea. In Runestone, she could ride out on her mare, Sunny, and ride through the valley. She could train with a bow and arrow. She even started learning how to wield a sword a couple of moons ago.

In Runestone, she ran happily while she chased the cook's daughter, Daisy, through the nearby grove. Daisy was her best friend. She was a lively girl with a freckled face and a small gap between her teeth. Daisy had the most beautiful red hair that shined like copper in the light. It reminded Daena of Vermithor's eyes. 

In Runestone, she was more than just a Princess. In Runestone, she was just Daena. In Runestone she was free.

 In Runestone she was free

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