10 - Signs and Portents

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"In 114 AC, a great royal hunt was held in the Kingswood in honor of Prince Aegon's second name day. Lords and ladies from throughout the realm came together to celebrate. Lord Jason Lannister tried wooing Princess Rhaenyra but was coldly rejected by her.

The war in the Stepstones took a turn for the worse. The Velaryon fleet and its soldiers were losing and the Triarchy was on the brink of victory. Even with the help of dragons, the Westerosi had a hard time dealing with the Essosi pirates. In the end, Daemon Targaryen slew the Crabfeeder and brought peace to the Stepstones."

(Fire & Blood, Being a History of the Targaryen Kings of Westeros, by Archmaester Gyldayn)


114 AC, King's Landing

The Small Council chamber looked different this day. The table was covered in pastries, roast pigs, ribs, sweet cakes, fruits, wine, goblets, and plates. The room was filled with people. Why? Because today was Aegon's second name day and for that reason, a great hunt was organized in the Kingswood. 

Daena was standing and talking to her friends and handmaidens, Joy and Hanna. She sipped on her wine, gods knew she would need it if she was to survive the next three days. As a member of the Royal family, it would be suspicious if she didn't participate in the hunt. She would rather throw herself off the Wall into the frigid wastelands of the far North than spend one hour around the Hightowers but alas, here she was. 

"He has your hair, Your Grace." Some lord said and her uncle responded positively while they all cooed at the little boy. 

"He has your eyes, Your Grace." Some other lord said, kissing up to her fickle uncle. She rolled her eyes and sighed. 

"Is something the matter, Princess?" Joy asked with a knowing smirk. Daena tilted her head and gave her a look. The girl laughed and patted Daena on the shoulder. 

"Oh, come on Princess! The hunt will be so much fun!

Daena scoffed and chugged down the rest of her wine. She looked to her right and saw Ser Otto and his brother, Lord Hobert, conversing in hushed voices. "What are those snakes talking about, I wonder." She thought. 

"Come. Eat. Fortify yourselves for the journey." She heard her Uncle say. 

"Shall we eat something, Princess?" Hanna asked. 

"I've lost all appetite once I learned I had to attend this stupid event," Daena replied sharply, looking down at her empty goblet. 

"Now, now, Princess. It would be best to not let your...negative feelings toward Her Grace impact how you feel about the hunt. You love hunting!" Hanna replied in a hushed tone, careful not to attract attention. 

"Besides, you don't actually have to spend time with her. Once we arrive in the Kingswood you can go wherever you please." Joy added in her usual bright voice. 

Daena sighed. "You two are right. As always." The twins giggled victoriously. Daena smiled and shook her head. 

"Can someone tell me where in the Seven Hells Rhaenyra might be?" Her Uncle asked loudly, his voice laced with annoyance.  

Daena was with Rhaenyra in the morning, when they were getting ready. Quickly after getting her hair done, she left the room, saying she wanted to be alone. Daena respected her wishes and left her be. 

"Daena!" She heard her name being called and she turned only to see her uncle and the men around him looking at her. She gave her goblet to Joy and quickly walked over to the table. 

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