11 - The comforts of home

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A/N - this chapter includes physical violence, attempted SA, sl*t shaming, threats of SA, cursing, and descriptions of the inflicted wounds; but I swear the first half is cute 

"In 114 AC, Princess Rhaenyra started her royal tour with the goal of finding a potential husband. She first toured the Crownlands and the Reach. She then visited the Westerlands and the Riverlands. Her next stop would be the Stormlands and after that, the Vale.

During that time, her cousin, Princess Daena, returned to her birthplace of Runestone. She was joined by Ser Harwin Strong, her new personal guard, and his sisters, Hanna and Joy who were the Princess's maids.

In the Princess's entourage was also her grandmother, Lady Rowena Redfort, a famed beauty throughout the Vale, during her youth. But beauty was not the only asset she possessed - a sharp tongue and a quick mind is also something she passed on to her daughter and granddaughter."

(Fire & Blood, Being a History of the Targaryen Kings of Westeros, by Archmaester Gyldayn)


On a peninsula east of the Eyrie, north of the Bay of Crabs and Gulltown, lies the castle of Runestone - the seat of House Royce. They were a proud and noble house and one of the oldest and most powerful families in the Vale of Arryn. 

The current ruler of Runestone was Lady Rhea Royce, daughter of the late Lord Yorbert Royce and Lady Rowena Redfort, wife of Prince Daemon Targaryen, and mother to Princess Daena. 

In her entourage were her ladies-in-waiting, Joy and Hanna, her grandmother, Lady Rowena, and her sworn protector, Ser Harwin. She was very excited to show the Vale to the Strong siblings, seeing they were from the Riverlands. 


114 AC, Runestone

Harwin watched in amazement as they neared the castle of Runestone. It was situated on the western shore of the Narrow Sea, was seated on the cliffside, and hills surrounded it. It was nowhere near as big as Harenhall but it was still a large, well-made keep.

It was a bright, sunny day, though it was also pretty windy. The castle gates were open and he could see the Royce banners flapping in the wind. The guards at the entrance let them in and they entered the outer courtyard. 

He was on his horse while the Princess, her grandmother, and his sisters were in the carriage. He saw someone who could only be Lady Rhea standing in the middle of the yard - she was a comely woman with dark, curly hair that was cut short. She was wearing the famous bronze armor of House Royce and riding breeches. Her brown eyes bore into his blue ones, almost like she was sizing him up. She moved toward him once he got off his horse.

"You must be Ser Harwin. Be welcome." She greeted politely.

"I am. Thank you for your hospitality and for hosting me and my sisters."

"Of course. I have heard so much about you and your sisters. I know how fond my daughter is of your family."

Harwin couldn't help but smirk at her words. His sisters have indeed bonded with the Princess and quickly became good friends. As for him, he cannot deny that he too quickly became fond of the Princess. They became even closer once she named him as her protector.

"Mother!" The Princess exclaimed once she exited the carriage and sprinted toward her lady mother. She hugged her mother tightly and placed her head on her mother's shoulders. It reminded Harwin of his late lady mother and how she held his little sisters when they were young. 

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