13 - Daughter's anguish

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A/N - this chapter contains character death and a nervous breakdown, ANGST overall (sorry guys I had to)

"Only a couple weeks after the brutal attack on Princess Daena, another tragedy fell upon House Royce. Its ruling Lady, Rhea Royce, fell off her horse in a hunting incident. She suffered a cracked skull and lingered for nine days. On the ninth day, she finally felt better and got up. She died within an hour of rising from her bed. 

Most affected by her death was her only child and heir, Princess Daena. Some say it was the Princess who discovered her mother's dead body. The Princess was extremely attached and devoted to her mother, so Lady Rhea's premature death came as a shocking blow to her daughter."

(Fire & Blood, Being a History of the Targaryen Kings of Westeros, by Archmaester Gyldayn)


115 AC, Runestone

Prince Daemon was now in the Vale, specifically at Runestone, the castle of his estranged wife. He hasn't been here in over eight years. But he had a good reason for coming back - his daughter, Daena, was viciously assaulted at her name day celebration. In a twist of fate, his brother banished him to the Vale a day ago, so at least he had that as an excuse.

Landing near the castle of Runestone, he could see his daughter's dragon, Vermithor, resting on one of the surrounding hills. Caraxes greeted the Bronze Fury, but the old dragon paid him no mind. Dismounting his dragon, Daemon made his way into the castle. And of course, the first person he bumps into is his not so dear wife, Rhea.

She hasn't changed much since he last saw her, save for her shorter hair. The disdain in her eyes was still there, of course. She seemed surprised to see him. 

"What are you doing here?" She hissed through her teeth. 

"My daughter was assaulted from what I've heard. I came here to avenge her.

"Oh, so now she's your daughter? And where were you, husband, for the past eight years of her life?" Rhea inquired. 

Daemon just ignored her and walked deeper into the castle. "Where is the miscreant who dared hurt my girl?

Rhea was quiet for a second. "In the cells. He is to be executed by the knights of the Vale once they arrive here."

"I'm not waiting for them. I'll kill him myself.

"Daemon, you can't-" Rhea tried stopping him but it was too late. Daemon was on his way to the cells and nothing could stop him.

The next time Rhea saw her husband, he was cleaning blood off of Dark Sister.


Daemon made his way upstairs, where his daughter resided in her quarters. In front of her door stood Ser Harwin Strong. Daena informed him years ago that she took Harwin as her sworn protector and after recent events, it seems she chose well.

"Ser Harwin." Daemon greeted the tall knight from the Riverlands. 

"My Prince," Harwin replied with a tone of surprise. 

"I've been told you were the one to save my daughter...Thank you for protecting her. She chose well." Daemon said to Harwin.

"It was my duty, my Prince," Harwin answered humbly.

"Is she in there?" Daemon asked. 

Harwin nodded and knocked on the door. He opened the door. "You have a visitor, Princess.

Daughter of Steel and BronzeWhere stories live. Discover now