8 - Crossroads

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"Half a year later after the passing of Queen Aemma Arryn, His Grace decided to take a new wife. The chosen one was Lady Alicent Hightower. No one was more shocked by this decision than the King's daughter, Princess Rhaenyra. It is said she stormed out of the Small Council Chamber with tears in her eyes. 

Lord Corlys Velaryon, the Sea Snake, also poorly took the news. He had offered his own daughter, Lady Laena, as a candidate. He resigned as Master of Ships and went back to Driftmark, furious. 

The King's niece, Princess Daena, also disagreed with the choice. It is said she frowned the entire time and stared angrily at the Hand, Ser Otto Hightower. If anyone had any reservations about how the Princess felt about the Hightowers, their doubts were confirmed that day." 

(Fire & Blood, Being a History of the Targaryen Kings of Westeros, by Archmaester Gyldayn)


112 AC, King's Landing

Six months have passed since the tragic death of Queen Aemma. Six months have passed since Prince Daemon was disinherited as heir to the Iron Throne and banished from the capital. Six months have passed since Daena last saw her father. 

She started this day differently - today she was to choose two ladies to be her ladies-in-waiting. She was now 14 years old. "Almost a woman grown", Septa Marlow kept nagging in her ear. 

"Two more years, and I won't have to listen to her annoying voice ever again." Daena thought as she walked to the weirwood garden where the get-together was being held. 

She went dragon riding in the morning, as she always did on the first day of the week. As soon as she returned to the castle she was immediately rushed to the gardens. She thought she would have more time to clean herself before meeting the ladies. Hopefully, no one would mind the smell. Dragons were not the most pleasant-smelling creatures, Daena learned. 

"Well, I suppose I'll just go like this." She thought as she entered the garden - just from one glance she could see at least two dozen young girls and women waiting for her. 

"Oh, Gods, help me!" She murmured as she stood frozen. All the ladies turned and stopped talking. She could see there was a long table and an empty seat at the head of it. "That's for me, surely."

She walked quickly to her designated seat. "My ladies. Please, sit." She said and gestured. They followed her words, and everyone sat and waited for her to speak. 

Daena cleared her throat. "Firstly, I want to thank you all for coming here in such high numbers. I'm honored that so many of you wish to be my ladies-in-waiting. Unfortunately, there are only two spots. Now, shall we begin?

For the next three hours, Daena conversed with all the ladies. She quickly dismissed certain girls - Lucinda Lannister was the first to comment on an unpleasant smell in the air. Once Daena explained that it was her, the little lioness blushed and apologized. 

Ultimately, she narrowed her choice down to four ladies - Leyla Merryweather, Violet Mooton, and the twins Joy and Hanna Strong. Leyla was a sweet girl, though a bit too young, she was only 13, even younger than the Princess. 

After further deliberation, Daena chose the two daughters of Lyonel Strong. In the years to come, this would prove a wise decision. 


Once she was finished choosing her future handmaids, Daena desperately wanted a bath. On the way to her chambers, she bumped into Rhaenyra who had a satisfied smile on her face. 

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