12 - Hidden secrets

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Fama crescit eundo - The rumor grows as it goes

"The year 115 was an eventful year for the Royal family. Princess Rhaenyra turned 18 and after an unsuccessful tour to find a husband she returned home to King's Landing. Destiny would have that her uncle, Prince Daemon, also returned to the capital on the same day. Shortly after, rumors began spreading of the Princess losing her maidenhead to her uncle. To quell the rumors, His Grace betrothed his eldest daughter to the son of the Sea Snake, Ser Laenor Velaryon.

In the Vale, the most unfortunate event occurred - Princess Daena was attacked on her 17th name day. The miscreant was a petty lord from the Vale who drunkenly assaulted the Princess. Her mother, Lady Rhea Royce, was furious and demanded his head. His Grace outraged that his niece was hurt, agreed with his good sister and demanded the lord be put to the sword. When the knights of the Vale were sent to arrest him, they found the man butchered in his cell. Many suspect this was the work of Prince Daemon avenging his daughter.

(Fire & Blood, Being a History of the Targaryen Kings of Westeros, by Archmaester Gyldayn)


115 AC, King's Landing

An emergency Small Council meeting was called in the early morning hours. Once everyone was settled, Lord Lyonel spoke up.

"Troubling news come from the Vale, Your Grace. Ravens flew in from both Runestone and the Eyrie.

This caught Viserys's attention. "What do you speak of, Lyonel?"

"A couple of days ago, a feast was held at Runestone, in honor of Princess Daena's 17th name day. It appears that she was attacked, Your Grace.

"Seven Hells, Lyonel. What do you mean?" His Grace asked, worried that something awful happened to his niece. 

"During the hour of the bat, the Princess left the feast and walked by herself into the godswood of the castle. There, the miscreant cornered her and...harsh words were exchanged. She told him to leave her alone, but he was unwilling to listen. If what the letter says is true, he started choking her against the heart tree."

"Gods be good! Is she alright?"

"According to the castle's measter, she has severe bruising all over her body and her wrist appears to be sprained.

His Grace was too stunned to speak. Lord Lyonel continued. "Lady Rhea is furious. She demands his head. She already spoke to Lady Jeyne Arryn and demands justice for her daughter."

Lord Lyonel gave the letters to His Grace. Viserys couldn't believe someone would be so foolish to assault a member of the Royal family. He knew if Daemon caught news of this, he would kill the man himself.

"Write to Lady Rhea. Tell her that she has every right to execute him for hurting a member of the Royal family." His Grace proclaimed. 


Runestone, the Vale

Days have passed in a blur. She barely left her room, hells, she barely left her bed. She barely spoke, her throat aching whenever she did. Her wrist was sprained, so she couldn't even dress herself, or brush her hair; she couldn't do anything by herself. The twins had to help her with everything. 

"Daena." Her mother came in. In her hands was a platter with many things on it. She put the platter on the table and sat on the edge of the bed. Daena's eyes were glued to the ceiling. "Look at me." Her mother said, moving her silver curls from her face. 

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