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" After stocking up on supplies, I will beat the dog king directly in the last days "

Qin Sheng's works

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Chapter 1 Let’s go to hell together


Qin Sheng was slightly conscious and just about to open her eyes, she felt a splitting headache and frowned in displeasure.

  Didn't she go deal with the rioting zombies? How could you faint?

  Subconsciously, he raised his hand to rub his temples, but found that he had no strength at all.

  Qin Sheng opened her eyes instantly and looked around alertly. Her eyes stopped at the familiar back in front of the laboratory window sill. She hesitated and her mind went blank.

  "Hey, sister is finally awake. You kept me waiting." At some point, the girl in a pink and neat princess dress in front of the window sill turned around, her clean and white face full of ridicule.

  Qin Sheng, who wanted to ask Qin Mengchun if he was injured, seemed to have a blocked throat and couldn't pronounce a single syllable. It was like a movie going through his mind, with details revealed one by one.

  The zombies suddenly rioted and Qin Mengchun happened to appear outside the base?

  Isn't it a coincidence?

  Qin Mengchun fiddled with his carefully curled long hair and looked at the shock gradually appearing in Qin Sheng's eyes.

  "Did you do the zombie riot?" Qin Sheng didn't know where he got the strength to turn his head and stare at Qin Mengchun, his tired eyes full of bloodshot eyes.

  Qin Mengchun sneered, walked slowly to Qin Sheng who was lying on the experimental table, glanced up and down, and acquiesced to Qin Sheng's question.

  "Why?" Qin Sheng suppressed the disappointment in her heart and stiffly turned her head to the other side.

  "Why?!" Qin Mengchun snorted coldly and shouted as if he was declaring sovereignty, "Because the person in charge of the base can only be me! The eldest lady of the Qin family can only be me!"

  Qin Sheng sighed feebly, recalling In order to obtain supplies in the last few years, he had fought countless zombies until he was exhausted, just to let Qin Mengchun have enough to eat, but now that he thinks about it, it is so ridiculous.

  "You are really crazy." Qin Sheng said lightly.

  At this moment, Qin Mengchun's eyes were full of ridicule. She hated Qin Sheng for being so calm and aloof, and his usual kindness to her was like charity and pity. She was eager to the extreme and waited to see Qin Sheng kneeling on her knees one day. At her feet, he looked like he was begging her in a low voice.

  "Do you think this is enough, my good sister?" Qin Mengchun straightened up and raised his hand to press the machine on the side.

  In an instant, the spiritual lock that appeared on the experimental table cuffed Qin Sheng tightly. Qin Sheng, who was already weak, was even more unable to move. Then a burst of supernatural power instantly filled Qin Sheng's body, like thousands of arrows piercing his heart. Ling Chi Normally, Qin Sheng gritted her teeth and endured the excruciating pain all over her body. Her forehead was covered in cold sweat, and the pain made her almost faint at times.

After stocking up on supplies, I will directly beat the Dog King in the last dayWhere stories live. Discover now