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Chapter 161: On a full moon night, see you in another world

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Qin Mengchun became even more frightened after hearing Qin Sheng's words.

She was really afraid that Qin Sheng would kill her.

"I am your sister, sister..."

When Qin Sheng heard this, her sister felt extremely ironic. At this time, Qin Mengchun actually remembered that she was her sister. How could he have thought that she was his sister when he wanted to kill him several times?

"Qin Mengchun, from today on, I will treat you as my sister without you."

The moment Qin Sheng waved his hand, Qin Mengchun was restrained by a red light. This was the confinement technique transformed by Qin Sheng's supernatural power.

Qin Mengchun was unable to move due to the confinement technique. She yelled at Qin Sheng like a roar, "What are you going to do?! Qin Sheng, are you going to kill your own sister?"

Qin Sheng stood up slowly, as if he didn't hear Qin Mengchun's shout.

"Where are those people in the seventh team?" Qin Sheng looked down at Guo Jun with a cold look, like an emperor, suppressing people so hard that they couldn't breathe.

Guo Jun snorted coldly, as if he didn't want to say it.

"Don't tell me?" Qin Sheng frowned slightly. The moment he finished speaking, a red halo appeared on Guo Jun's neck. For only a second, Guo Jun seemed to be choked by this halo. It felt like it was numbing my neck, and it was hard to breathe for a while.

Qin Sheng lowered his eyes and looked at the palms of his hands. The moment he clenched his palms, the halo around Guo Jun's neck became even tighter.

"Isn't it uncomfortable to have difficulty breathing?" Qin Sheng sneered, and the halo under Guo Jun's neck instantly turned redder.

Guo Jun had difficulty breathing, but now the aperture started to get hot, as if it was burning his throat.

"You have a fever, right?" Qin Sheng looked at the uncomfortable Guo Jun with a calm expression, and said with a cold smile, "How about changing to a knife?"

Qin Sheng raised his eyes and met Guo Jun's frightened eyes.

If this aperture turned into a knife, Guo Jun would have no chance of surviving, and his entire head would be chopped off immediately.

"Qin Sheng..." Guo Jun struggled to breathe and squeezed out a few words from his mouth, "They are in the hospital in the safe zone..."

After Qin Sheng achieved his goal, he immediately raised his hand and withdrew his power. Guo Jun fell to the ground and breathed heavily. He was one second away from seeing this world again.

"I'll leave him to you, I'm not interested." Qin Sheng turned to Shen Shi and raised her chin, slightly curled her lips and walked out, intending to go to the hospital in the safe zone to save people.

A flash of blue light instantly appeared in Shen Shi's eyes. He slowly walked towards Guo Jun, blue flames condensed in his palms.

"Guo Jun, you should pay for everything you have done..."

In just a split second, the blue flame in Shen Shi's hand rushed towards Guo Jun who had just recovered like a gust of wind.

The moment the blue flame touched Guo Jun, it spread all over his body. Guo Jun was burned by the blue flame and rolled desperately on the spot. However, instead of disappearing, the flame even burned more and more intensely.

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