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Chapter 171: The Eve of the Finale

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Perhaps it was because absorbing spiritual power consumed Qin Sheng's mental energy so much that she fell asleep not long after her head hit the pillow.

In the dream, Qin Sheng was very happy. She had found her grandfather and younger brother Qin Nuo, and Tingfeng Pavilion's evil plan was also blocked by her. She even dreamed of herself wearing a phoenix crown, a beautiful robe, an eight-carriage sedan, and a matchmaker marrying Song Qing. install.

This is a day that Qin Sheng never dared to imagine.

Song Qing'an was wearing a red wedding robe and her long white hair was tied up. She bent down and picked her up, like a general who had won a battle.

The ancient-style wedding in her dream was just like what Qin Sheng imagined. It was magnificent, with the word "囍" everywhere, and her groom lifted a red hijab for her.

But she looked at her young man with joy, and saw a dagger stabbed into Song Qing'an's left chest. The blood dyed the wedding robes of Song Qing'an and Qin Sheng red, making the two red clothes even more dyed. of red.

It was as red as Qin Sheng's scarlet eyes when he couldn't believe it when he saw this scene.

"don't want!"

Qin Sheng's tears suddenly burst into tears. She shouted hysterically, but found that Song Qing'an gradually began to lose her vitality...

"don't want!"

Qin Sheng was suddenly awakened from his sleep, covered in cold sweat with fear. After seeing clearly the environment of the room where he was, Song Qingan breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it was just a dream, not real.

The scene in the dream was still unforgettable, and Qin Sheng was even a little scared.

"Chief, are you awake? Your friends are already waiting in the front hall."

Ayan's voice came from outside the door, and Qin Sheng's cold sweat gradually dissipated.

"Okay, I'll come right away."

After Qin Sheng replied, he stood up and walked to the closet.

The clothes in the wardrobe must have been prepared by grandpa early in the morning. They were all handmade by the best tailors in the capital. The fabrics were very soft and gentle. Qin Sheng casually put on a simple turquoise dress and headed towards the front hall. The location is gone.

"Shengsheng!" Seeing Qin Sheng coming in a hurry, Jiang Miaomiao, who was wearing a pink dress, stood up happily and stepped forward to greet Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng smiled faintly. Judging from the looks of it, they must already know his identity.

"Auntie, guess what, we are all from another continent." Lin Xing really didn't expect that he, an ordinary college student, had experienced the apocalypse and came to this otherworldly continent that people couldn't believe, but unexpectedly discovered that he was Descendants of the fire spirit clan.

Moreover, in this generation of the Fire Spirit Clan, he is the only one.

When he was taken to the Fire Spirit Clan, Lin Xing thought he had committed something. He had been cautious from the moment he entered, until the last leader of the Fire Spirit Clan came out, who was the leader of Lin Xing's bloodline. grandfather.

Only then did he accept the fact that he was a descendant of the fire spirit clan.

"Me too, me too!"

"And I!"

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