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" After stocking up on supplies, I will beat the dog king directly in the last days "

Qin Sheng's works

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Chapter 51 Safe Zone


Chu Xingyu is usually gentle and gentle, but this is the first time he has spoken to a girl. The problem is that Guo Ting is ignorant and wants Qin Sheng to kneel down and apologize to her. This matter has nothing to do with Qin Sheng in the first place. Chu Xingyu couldn't stand the aggressiveness.

  "You call me eldest sister?" Guo Ting pointed at herself in disbelief, her eyes widening. After all, she was also a young female college student. Being called eldest sister by a peer was undoubtedly adding salt to the wound.

  "It was you who complained about my sister Sheng first. We didn't offend you, so you scolded us." Chu Xingyu also has a temper and is not an easy person to serve.

  Jiang Miaomiao crossed her arms and snorted coldly, "Isn't this just a dog that bites people randomly?"

  Guo Ting couldn't stand Jiang Miaomiao and the others talking about her like this, so she pulled Guo Jun's arm and said coquettishly, "Uncle , you see they call me a dog."

  Guo Jun's frown never relaxed for a moment. If Qin Sheng got out of the car at this time, someone would definitely see him, and he would be the one to be blamed.

  The key point is that it was my own niece who caused this matter. No matter how you look at it, this matter is not easy to handle.

  Qin Sheng naturally caught this.

  Guo Ting was able to find Guo Jun as her backer, but she probably didn't dare to be too indulgent, otherwise Guo Jun wouldn't be able to hide it for her. At this time, getting out of the car will definitely make people panic. At this time, she is not the one who takes the responsibility, it is undoubtedly Guo Jun and Guo Ting.

  If you want your journey to be easier, you must give those who don't want you a good start. .co

  "Why doesn't Captain Guo just let us go?" Qin Sheng crossed his arms and looked at Guo Jun who was blocking his way.

  Guo Ting, a little girl, could think of what Guo Jun thought. Now she just wanted to show Qin Sheng and the others what the consequences would be if they bullied her.

  Guo Jun remained silent, seeming to be thinking about this matter.

  Qin Sheng had no intention of leaving at all. He raised his eyebrows slightly and leaned on the seat to see what kind of result Guo Jun would give.

  Qin Sheng's actions made Chu Xingyu and Jiang Miaomiao a little confused. If Qin Sheng's temper had been followed, they might have already gotten off the car and found a good place to live. Now they are blocked by Guo Jun. If he doesn't leave, Qin Sheng must have his own ideas.

  Jiang Miaomiao and Chu Xingyu looked at each other. It seemed that they had the same idea.

  "Have you thought about it? Captain Guo, don't waste everyone's time." Qin Sheng curled his lips and smiled, his eyes full of mockery.

  "Let them go quickly, uncle. Let's see if they will be eaten by the zombies when they get outside." Guo Ting was already a little anxious. Usually her uncle was always very decisive and doting on her affairs, so why was he hesitant today? Such a long time?

After stocking up on supplies, I will directly beat the Dog King in the last dayWhere stories live. Discover now