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" After stocking up on supplies, I will beat the dog king directly in the last days "

Qin Sheng's works

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Chapter 11 cosplay


Because Qin Sheng was following them, Chu Xingyu and Lin Xing gradually let go of their tension, and soon they began to whisper.

  "Xingyu, this is my first time entering the girls' dormitory." Lin Xing looked around, as if he had entered an unfamiliar territory, his eyes full of curiosity.

  Chu Xingyu nodded in agreement, lowered his head obediently again, and the tips of his ears began to turn red unconsciously.

  "It would be embarrassing if we met a few girls, right?" Lin Xing touched the back of his head awkwardly, as if he would meet them in the next second.

  "The chance of meeting a girl is low, but female zombies are fine. Do you want to try?" Qin Sheng appeared beside the two of them at some unknown time, looking at them with a meaningful smile.

  Chu Xingyu and Lin Xing shook their heads like rattles.

  Female zombie? forget it.

  "We're here."

  Qin Sheng opened the bedroom door with ease and raised his head to signal Lin Xing and the others to go in.

  Three boys pushed each other into the girls' dormitory.

  Jiang Miaomiao and Qin Sheng smiled at each other and followed closely.

  "What is this for?" Lin Xing instantly transformed into a curious baby as soon as he entered the girls' dormitory. He sat at a table with relatively complete cosmetics and studied eyelash curlers and makeup brushes.

  Jiang Miaomiao stepped forward and took the thing from Lin Xing's hand, and explained by the way, "Eyelash curler, this is a makeup brush, you can't use it..." "

  Who said you can't use it." Jiang Miaomiao hadn't finished speaking yet. While speaking, Qin Sheng suddenly thought of something and interrupted. Several people looked at Qin Sheng with curious faces at the same time.

  Qin Sheng raised his eyebrows and showed a slightly cunning smile.

  Lin Xing shuddered unconsciously and felt that Qin Sheng's smile was a bit weird.

  "Auntie, you're not going to put makeup on me, are you? I'm a tough guy..." Lin Xing's facial features were distorted, and he looked very embarrassed.

  The next second, Lin Xing was pinned down in front of the dressing table by Jiang Miaomiao. After Qin Sheng said something in Jiang Miaomiao's ear, Jiang Miaomiao showed the same smile as Qin Sheng just now.

  "Don't worry, Lin Xing, I will definitely put it on for you..." Jiang Miaomiao said as she rummaged through a lot of cosmetics from the dressing table and started to operate them properly.

  While Lin Xing was putting on makeup, Qin Sheng walked into the bathroom alone.

  As for the location of the rooftop, she had already checked that there should be no zombies. Fortunately, she didn't go too far today, otherwise the outcome would be unpredictable.

  "Sister Sheng, what are you thinking about?" Chu Xingyu noticed that Qin Sheng went to the bathroom alone, and followed her when he saw her standing in front of the window.

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