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Chapter 131: Looking for zombies to practice

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"As you can see, everything is difficult at the beginning."

Wang Qiang said it right, everything is difficult at the beginning, but it is even harder to persist. Just like today's morning training, people who suddenly break the usual rules to adapt to other rules always have more than enough energy.

Of course, this also depends on whether the person can persevere from the beginning.

Qin Sheng puffed up his face and looked at Xiaoxiao's Xiaonuo who was squatting on the ground. As if he noticed Qin Sheng's gaze, the two of them quickly got up from the ground.

"Brother Wang Qiang, I can't wait to start preparing for training. How long do you think the horse stance will last? I, Xiaoxiao, can definitely do it!" Because of Qin Sheng's arrival, the light in Xiaoxiao's eyes became even brighter, Xu Xiaoxiao With the blessing of the idol's light beside her, Xiaoxiao felt that her stomach seemed to stop protesting, and she immediately stood up with high spirits, pretending to start walking.

Xiao Nuo also stood up quickly, with high morale everywhere.

"Okay, Xiaoxiao, then we'll walk on horseback for another hour!" Wang Qiang was also excited, and couldn't help laughing when he saw Xiaoxiao's quickly falling face.

Xiao Nuo didn't react much. To him, anything that can make some progress is useful. As long as he keeps making progress, one day he will be as powerful as his sister.

Qin Sheng also smiled softly, feeling more and more that Xiaoxiao looked more and more like Ah Man.

Not only the way they talk is similar, but the resentment towards training is also the same.

"Okay, stop teasing them. Uncle Yu has already prepared breakfast. It's not too late to start training after breakfast." When Qin Sheng came over, he noticed that Yu Yong had prepared everyone's morning food. Qin Sheng came over to check on the morning training and also wanted to take them to have something to eat together.

"Oh! Let's have breakfast!" Xiaoxiao shouted happily when she heard that breakfast was ready, and she smiled and ran towards Yu Yong's direction.

Qin Sheng and Wang Qiang looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

"Let's go, Xiao Nuo."

After hearing Qin Sheng calling his name, Xiao Nuo obediently followed Qin Sheng and Wang Qiang towards the camp's dining area.

Yu Yong made a special plan based on some of the supplies Qin Sheng gave him. For example, everyone's breakfast this morning was a pack of compressed biscuits and a cup of water, as well as some dried fish that Qin Sheng gave him just now. Xiaonuo and Xiaoxiao I also have my own beef jerky.

It's quite rich, although the compressed biscuits don't taste very good.

"There is actually dried fish today!" Xiaoxiao's eyes widened when she saw that everyone on her table had a small piece of dried fish.

Wang Qiang glanced at Qin Sheng beside him, and estimated that the dried fish was brought by Qin Sheng beside him.

As for where it came from, he didn't need to ask.

"Not only that, the captain said that Xiaonuo and Xiaoxiao are both growing up, so they should eat more. They have more pieces of beef jerky." Yu Yong explained with a smile.

When Xiaoxiao and Xiaonuo heard that they still had beef jerky, they were so excited that they were almost speechless.

Xiao Nuo's reaction was quite normal. After all, he had eaten a lot of snacks after following Qin Sheng in the past two days. Qin Sheng would also stuff cookies, candies and other things into Xiao Nuo's hands from time to time.

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