Part 8

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Nora's POV

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Nora's POV

"And then he like kissed me," I say blushing and cheesing hard as fuck telling my bestie what happened last time

"No fucking wayyyy!," she shouts. "You kiss him back?,"

"Yeah and we like kissed for a little while, he was kissing my neck," I reply looking at my ceiling having flashbacks of how passionate Josiah's kiss and I was.

I had never kissed a boy like that and felt feeling like that too. Like I have kissed boys before, okay I last kissed a boy like freshman year but it wasn't like this. Josiah and I's kiss was different.

"You even biting your lips and shit, you probably getting wet asf just thinking about that nigga right now aren't you? Nassttyy," she says snapping me back into reality.

"Not too much now that's gross," I say laughing.

Shit she wasn't lying though. When I got in last night I had to change my underwear because damn, a whole ushy gushy waterfall down there. I didn't wanna take a shower because I didn't want to remove his scent from my body.

"So he the one you finally gonna lose it to?," she asks me winking and I know exactly what 'it' is.

"Byeee," I say hanging up and laughing.

I then see my call log noticing I had like 13 missed calls from Josiah. He's been calling and texting me since last night after I ran out and I ain't answered anything.

I'm still trying to figure out why I just ran out on him like that yesterday.I didn't know what to do. Like I didn't want him to stop and I obviously liked it and like him I guess but I didn't want him to know I was inexperienced as fuck. I just thought of him being with the girls he's used to like Jada and I got in my head. I'm so embarrassed to answer or open his texts right now because what was that for last night running out like a lil weirdo?

Right when i was deep in thought he calls me. I decide to answer this time.

"Hey," i say

"What's up what are you doing?," he asks

"Nothing just chilling in my room,"

"Come outside, i'm outside your house," he says and before i could protest he hangs up.

Luckily i had taken a shower earlier so i just sprayed a little mist and just got out wearing whatever the fuck.

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