Part 15

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Nora's POV

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Nora's POV

"But ma you ain't never told me you was seeing someone," I said

After the most awkward and confusing encounter in my life my mom just decided it was better everyone just went home and talk about it the next morning so my mom and I left Josiah and his dad's house.

"I don't think I answer to you now do I young lady," she replies unlocking the door to get in the house

"You are fucking my boyfriend's dad mom!,"

"Watch your tone when you speak to me before I slap you, I should be the one disappointed in you, you sleeping over at this boys house without my permission now? Bet y'all are fucking huh," she says changing the subject

"Mom Josiah is my boyfriend you been knowing that. We talking about you here, you're the one that decided to be all secretive about stuff and a whole fucking engagement, mom?!," I say slightly raising my voice. She was too calm about this situation and it was getting me a little pissed off.

Yes, her and Josiah's dad are apparently engaged and I just found out today. Which means technically this whole time I been fucking my step brother. Ew.

"Look Nora, you're upset I get that but never swear in my house...(sighs) After your dad, I have never been with anyone else and I kinda went in my 'I hate men' era for a while but that was until I saw Deshawn...Josiah's dad... at some get together and for the first time in the longest while I felt something and we started going out. I did wanna tell you but I didn't know how, like I said I ain't never been with someone since your dad," she explains as I listen attentively. I started to feel a little bad for flipping out.

"How long have yall been engaged for?," I ask rubbing my face.

"A month,"

"Ma!? You met this nigga 2 months ago and you got engaged a month later and you been engaged this whole time you still ain't tell me??,"

"Nora don't raise your voice at me!,"

"Nah, no disrespect but you mad goofy to be getting engaged after one month of knowing someone firstly and out of all the people in the world it's my boyfriends dad!? Gross mom...," I say walking out the kitchen heading to my room pissed and confused as fuck.

She just let me walk out and doesn't say anything as I bang the door behind me. I lay on my bed thinking about everything that just went down. I then remember to check up on Josiah, he is probably as confused as I am.

"Hey Jo," I say into the phone after he picks up

"Are you okay?," he asks me

"No," I scoff
"I just flipped out on my mom and I feel know they engaged?," I ask

"Just found out from my dad, nigga didn't even conversate with me about this shit, he just told me to stop fucking you in his house it's disrespectful to both him and your moms and then said him and your mom are engaged and I have to deal with it because he loves your mom," he says nonchalantly.

The thought of Josiah's dad who might also be my stepdad knowing that I have sex and even who I have sex with makes me cringe.

"Damn," I say lowly thinking about what the news my mom and his dad just dropped on us might mean for our relationship.

"Can I still come pick you up for school tomorrow," he asks

"Yeah...we need to talk anyway

"Aight, goodnight," he says

"Good night," I reply ending the call.

If my mom decides to actually get married to this man I have no choice but to end things with Josiah. I can't be fucking around with my step brother and I'll do anything to make my mom happy even when I'm not happy, it's the least I can do.

Next day...

School was so fucking long today because I knew I had to talk to Josiah after, in the ride home. He gave me a ride this morning but it was awkward and silent, I guess both of us weren't ready to talk.

After school ends, I walk over to his car and wait for him there. He didn't have practice today so he was free the whole afternoon. I lean on the hood and start scrolling on instagram. I hear Josiah's voice and look up to see him laughing with Jada.

Oh okay, cute

He looks back at me and I quickly put my head down.

"Wassup," he greets me walking towards the drivers seat

"Yo," I reply dryly. I'm tryna not make it obvious that him speaking to Jada bothers me.

"You good? You ready to go?," he asks me and I just nod getting into the now unlocked car.

After a very silent drive we arrive at my house. I decided to just talk to him now and get it over and done with.

"I think we should break up..," I say looking ahead into my street

"The fuck you mean break up?," he asks looking at me confused and surprised

"I think we should end this relationship,"

"Yeah nigga I heard what you said the first time but why you wanna do that? Cause of the Jada shit?," he asks with his whole body now facing me.

"No Josiah, our parents are getting married you forgot about that? I'm tryna make my mom happy " I say not making eye contact

"Man fuck that shit bruh, what about your happiness? Mine? You make me happy Nora," he says in a pleading voice.

"You make me happy too but us being in a relationship when we supposed to have a brother and sister relationship is just fucking weird and not proper," I say now feeling myself about to cry.

"But it's not fair, I wanted you first and even if our parents were together before us we didn't know that shit and that's on them not us,"

"Look at me Nora," he says grabbing my hand. I quickly let go of his hand.

"I don't wanna do this Josiah please make it easy for me, this is what's for the best, don't you want your dad to be happy?," I ask him with tears now in my eyes

"Man fuck that. You are what I want Nora I don't care about anything or anyone else. What they got going on ain't got shit to do with us. You're MY girl and you're always gonna be that. Even if we brother and sister or whatever sweet home Alabama shit you saying, shiiddd," he says rubbing his face with his hands.

"I'm ending things with you Josiah and you have to deal with that, we both do," I say

"Aight man...whatever. Bye," he says after staring at me for a while and then the road.

I kiss his cheek as a tear drops and he turns to kiss my lips. It felt like a long goodbye kiss and it hurt but it was for the best. I pull out of the kiss even though my body still craved for more of him. I then get out of the car and watch him drive me off.

What a fucking way to start the week.


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