Chapter 24

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Yoongi POV

I hum groggily at the feeling of a hand rubbing at my shoulder gently, mumbling to myself as I reluctantly turn over to figure out what the hell is going on. I'm beyond exhausted right now, feeling like I've not slept in seven months in this moment as I begrudgingly force my eyes open to figure out why I'm being woken. The first thing that hits my senses is the light sound of rain outside the bedroom window, a sound that soothes my entire being as I find Joon sat in front of me with a tray of food on his lap.

I hardly process the sight as I roll back onto my back, hands rubbing over my face roughly in attempt to actually wake up like I need to. Though, as the memories of the last twenty four hours rushes back in, I find myself pouting as turn my head to the side to find Joon still sat there, small smile on his lips with a tray still placed on his folded legs. It takes a moment for me to realize that this really is reality right here in front of me, a tiny smile tugging onto my lips at the notion.

"Morning, baby. How's breakfast in bed sound today?" Joon murmurs softly. I just hum in curiosity, tiredly shifting my body so that I'm sat upright in bed, back leaning against the headboard as a yawn slips out. There's a small smile on Joon's lips as well when I look back over to him, watching as he lifts the tray he'd had so that he can set it down on my lap. My eyes widen at the sight, not having expected anything like this at all. There's a warm mug of tea sitting on the tray with at least four different items that make up my favorite breakfast, surprise flooding me as I look back up at him in confusion.

"What's all of this for? What time even is it, shouldn't we be getting ready to head into the office?" I mumble in pure befuddlement, struggling to wrap my head around all of this. Joon just smiles sadly at me though, reaching a hand out to brush some of my hair out of my eyes before retracting it once more.

"It's the least you deserve, Yoon. We'll head in at some point, but you needed the rest and I didn't see any reason to be rushing out of here on one of your favorite kind of mornings." Joon answers in a gentle tone, causing me to frown once more before I'm looking out to the window on my right. I can feel the tears forming, can feel the heaviness in my chest returning, not wanting to believe all of this.

I know exactly what he's saying by telling me it's what I deserve, know exactly what he's trying to get at, and it's none of what I want to face. It hurts even more that it's coupled with the fact that he's still remembered, that he hasn't seemed to have forgotten a single thing about me yet, despite all of the time that we've spent apart. He had remembered my favorite place for takeout as well as my order from there last night, remembers my favorite weather, my favorite way to spend mornings with weather like this, has remembered my favorite breakfast and even the tea.

And it hurts. I don't know what to make of it. It's hard to believe that he's spent seven months with someone else and can still come right back here without missing a single fucking beat. It hurts that he's still trying to make me face what happened seven months ago. It all feels like nothing has changed and everything has changed all at once, and it's none of what I want. Nothing of what I'm brave enough to face yet.

"Yoon, baby..." I just shake my head at the sound, eyes pinching shut for a moment before I'm opening them again so that I can pick up the mug of tea, not wanting to think about it.

"Joonie, don't. Please. Please, just... Please just let me enjoy this. I don't want to talk about this right now. Just let us enjoy this, please?" It's all I can think to utter, tears in my eyes as I return my gaze to the taller, shaky smile placing itself on my lips. He frowns lightly with a sigh, clearly disagreeing with me. He stays silent though, eyes flickering between mine, searching my face for something or another before he's letting out another sigh. Instead of arguing, Joon gives me a small smile and nods, soon moving himself so that he's leaned back against the headboard beside of me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as he pulls me into his side gently.

I let out a shaky breath at his actions, grateful that he isn't pushing me on this at the moment as I nuzzle my head into his chest, appreciative of just having him here with me once again. I manage to calm down soon, and I let myself relax at the feeling of having Joon here with me as the rain falls softly outside our window. It's a surprisingly comfortable silence as we sit here, me quietly eating the breakfast he'd so graciously made me while watching the rain falling outside.

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