Chapter 5

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Namjoon POV

Smiling to Jin, I take his hand in mine as we enter the mall. The days have been ticking by, growing closer and closer to the welcome party BigHit is throwing for all of the new recruits. We've been putting off going shopping to get things for my studio that I'll get once I start there, and so we've finally decided to go out and find stuff to get for my studio so that it'll be more homey. I know I can't go overboard on getting stuff considering Jin and I have to save money for the wedding that's now less than a month out, but I still need to be able to be comfortable in my studio.

"Oh, what about this, Joonie? It would completely fit you and make it nicer in case they keep the studios cold." Jin suggests as he grabs an ocean blue fluffy blanket from a rack in the store we're wandering. I smile at it a bit, but purse my lips and shake my head, somewhat disliking the color. It...

It reminds me a little too much of him for it to be comforting...

"What about this? It's your color and it'll make sure I'm always thinking of you while I'm working?" I ask, running my hand over a pink version of the blanket. Jin grins widely at this, and I know it's the one to get.

"You're so sweet, Joonie." Jin murmurs softly, kissing my cheek lightly. I smile over to him, leaning over and pecking his plump lips gently before continuing on our way with the blanket in hand.

"Imagine when we finally get a house together? This could be so much fun." I think aloud with a small smile, loving the idea of getting to move into a house of our own. Maybe in a couple of years...

"You really want a house together? I thought you were against getting a house since we don't need that much room for just two people, and you didn't want a dog that we could possibly use the room for?" Jin questions curiously, and I'm quickly brought back to the reality of why I had told him that back at the beginning.

"I suppose you're right. I don't know, just the thought of getting to decorate a place with you again seems fun to me." I mumble with a shrug, hoping he doesn't question me any further. I've already fucked up and dropped my mood enough within the first fifteen minutes of us being out, and I'd like not to do that anymore.

"Mmm, we could always redo the apartment after we come back from our honeymoon?" Jin offers lightly, brightening my mood almost immediately. I grin over at him, kissing his cheek happily.

"That sounds like a great plan, baby." I answer quietly before we continue on with our little shopping trip. I have to force the thoughts of my prior fake ass lover away, not ever wanting him to cross my mind or path ever again. I got lucky enough to have met Jin near the end of things with him and I've been happy with Jin ever since we got together the night I ended things with the prior person. I've never once felt cheated on or cheated out of time with him, and even if Jin hyung isn't remotely as clingy, at least I have the ability to breathe with him and still know that I'm the one he loves.

"What're you thinking so hard about, baby?" Jin asks softly, rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand. I smile over to him, shaking my head.

"How excited I am for our wedding and how I can't believe time has been passing by so quickly." I lie easily with a smile. He giggles at this, leaning over and pecking my lips once more.

"I can't wait for our wedding. It's insane to think it's already less than a month away and that it's only been just over two months since I popped the question." Jin grins happily. I smile, laying my head on his shoulder.

"It's gonna be here before we know it, hyung. Mm, I need to reach out to Hobi and see if he's coming or not though. He never gave me an answer as to whether he'd be coming or not and didn't say if he was thinking about bringing an extra with him." I think aloud once more, recalling the fact that he's the only one left who hasn't given an answer on the matter of attending or not.

"Yeah, we need to know how many mouths that'll need fed and how many seats we'll need."

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